Montgomery College Raptors Womens Basketball vs Chesapeake College Skipjacks
It's more than just a game for us - we raze doubts as we raise the bar. We're the Raptors.
MC Men's Basketball vs. Chesapeake College
It's more than just a game for us - we raze doubts as we raise the bar. We're the Raptors.
As single parents, we struggle to manage finances with the lack of money, time, and organization. What can we do? Learn important strategies to manage your time and money without feeling bad for doing it all alone.
Hear Deborah Phelps, Nico Washington, Michael Yehl, and Carolina Avila talk about what encouraged and helped them on their journey as single parents; where they drew their strengths; their proudest parenting moment and much more!
Fathers are unique and vital. Their presence can determine a child's success and happiness. An active father provides an important foundation for his children and their ongoing security, stability, and development. Join us to for this Single Parent Conference workshop to learn more.
Montgomery College partners with local businesses to create the Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology. Student board members discuss their experiences. PLEASE USE THIS LINK TO WATCH THIS EPISODE:
Learn how to proactively parent from two different households. Embedded in this workshop is understanding the grief process for him and his children, his new role as a single dad, and proactive parenting strategies.
Student-parents are a highly invisible population due to colleges not systematically identifying and collecting data on this student population. Although they tend to have high dropout rates, they are highly incentivized to pursue postsecondary education and have higher GPAs than non-parenting students. In recent years, MC has begun focusing on student-parents for several reasons. First, it's an equity issue. Second, student-parents overlap with other vulnerable populations such as first gen. Third, student-parents impact college enrollment and retention. Through the Ascend Parent Initiative, Montgomery College is working closely with organizations like Generation Hope and Ascend at the Aspen Institute to identify our student-parents at MC and collect data on these students so that we can learn more about how to best support and improve outcomes for our parenting students. This program is another example that shows how committed MC is to learning about the experience of student-parents and how MC can continue to make a difference in their lives. In this episode of the Student-Parent Experience at MC, Dr. Jermaine F. Williams sat with four parenting students to hear their stories and experiences. Ja'Bette Lozupone, director of Student Affairs, moderated the conversation. To learn more about the work that the College is doing go to
"It's not that you can't do it, it's what's stopping you from doing it?" Jordan, Paolo, and Krushi are current and former Dual Enrollment students in the Early College program. Representing three campuses and three different majors, their stories are a window into what it's like to earn a college degree while in high school through this unique partnership with MCPS. Hear from them why they chose to take this accelerated path, what they've learned, and their advice for future students.
Why It Matters - Elysse Meredith Why English is So Weird
Professor Eggenschwiler encouraged English 101A students to become cultural critics during a trip the National American History Museum. First-semester composition students were encouraged to see the museum as a place where they could not only learn, but question, praise, and critique how subjects ranging from the evolution of transportation to the Korean War were presented. They took detailed notes on their visit on everything from exhibits' lighting to its signage. By allowing students to offer their opinions about whether exhibits succeeded or failed in presenting their subjects, the class was able to produce papers focused on critical thinking via object-based learning. Using the museum as a site open to analysis persuaded students to think more critically about their everyday surroundings.
What does it mean to be you? Explore the deeper meaning of identity and what it means to "be" with Montgomery College Professor of Philosophy, Bonard Molina Garcia. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINKTO WATCH THIS PROGRAM
Political Science Professor Jennifer Haydel will spark your interest in discovering the life stories of people who experienced tough times, exploitation, or human rights issues. As we take this journey together, we'll delve into the magic of memory, the duties we hold, and why memorialization matters. PLEASE COPY THE FOLLOWING LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER TO VIEW
Prof. Kiersten Newtoff explains how climate change really happens in this episode of Why It Matters. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK TO WATCH THIS PROGRAM
Professor Bill Krayer presents a lecture on regional and global climate change.
Why aren't we all allowed the same access to food and nutrients our bodies need? Professor Jessica Yamamoto explores in Why It Matters.
MCTV Student Intern, Neel Hodgkinson, takes viewers on a trip to one of Montgomery College's Mobile Markets, a monthly event where food is given away for free to student, faculty, staff, and the general public.
Are the colors we see from the stunning James Webb Space Telescope real? The answer is explored during this talk by Montgomery College astronomy professor, Dr. Carrie Fitzgerald. Consider MC'S astronomy courses https://www.montgomerycollege. edu/academics/programs/astronomy
Nobel Laureate Dr. John C. Mather's presentation on the James Webb Space Telescope. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK TO WATCH THIS PROGRAM
A professional working at NASA talks about a career in electrical engineering.
"It's not that you can't do it, it's what's stopping you from doing it?" Jordan, Paolo, and Krushi are current and former Dual Enrollment students in the Early College program. Representing three campuses and three different majors, their stories are a window into what it's like to earn a college degree while in high school through this unique partnership with MCPS. Hear from them why they chose to take this accelerated path, what they've learned, and their advice for future students.
Capture and Storage: One Approach to Address Climate Change
Prof. Kiersten Newtoff explains how climate change really happens in this episode of Why It Matters. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK TO WATCH THIS PROGRAM
Dr. Andy Podolsky, Ph.D. in colonial American history from Northwestern University. Dr. Podolsky comes to Montgomery College to speak about his experience with the endangered marsupials, the wombats.
The Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship program represents a rewarding academic professional development opportunity for faculty at Montgomery College. The fellowships are a product of a unique collaboration between Montgomery College and the Smithsonian Center for learning and digital access. It's the first of its kind between the Smithsonian Institution and the community college.
Montgomery College Professor Bill Krayer discusses how he utilized the Smithsonian artifacts, museums, and resources with his students.
Dr. Thomas K. Chen, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Montgomery College, presents "Baby Steps: Using Low-Stake Online Problems to Improve Student Learning and Success in an Introductory Chemistry Class". Dr. Chen is a member of the 2018 Cohort of the The Scholarship of Excellence in Teaching program at Montgomery College.
Dr. Zhou Dong, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science at Montgomery College, presents on "Teaching Metacognitive Learning Strategies to Students". Dr. Dong is a member of the 2018 Cohort of the The Scholarship of Excellence in Teaching program at Montgomery College.
Prof. Kiersten Newtoff explains how climate change really happens in this episode of Why It Matters. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK TO WATCH THIS PROGRAM
Why It Matters - Elysse Meredith Why English is So Weird
Montgomery College Professor Matthew Decker discusses how he utilized the Smithsonian artifacts, museums, and resources with his students.
Living History presentation inside Globe Hall at Germantown Campus. Shot live; interview with talent.
Gwendolyn Brooks performed by Dorothy Mains Prince.
Ernest Hemingway performed by Brian Gordon Sinclair