Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science.(2012) There are millions of different kinds of living things on the planet. Grouping them is not an easy task. This fascinating program explores this process and investigates some of the major groups of living things. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
The Japanese rely on rail transportation more than most, with the busiest of Tokyo's many large stations handling around 2.7 million passengers a day, commuting to work and school. These stations contain malls that offer everything from convenience stores to cafes and bookstores, and which continually add new services to keep pace with modern life. We visit a clinic, accessible from the platform to provide consultations for commuters on the go, and a daycare center run by a rail company for working parents.
As the world searches for better ways to achieve net zero emissions, hydrogen is emerging as a promising replacement for fossil fuels. The main appeal of hydrogen is as an energy source that emits no carbon dioxide. All-electric vehicles are already commercially available in Japan that are powered solely by hydrogen-generated electricity, and as this eco-friendly technology continues to evolve and spread throughout society, we are beginning to see it used for buses, passenger ships, and even restaurant stovetops.
In The Tale of Genji, the world's oldest novel, Murasaki Shikibu wrote about the romances of court nobles in early 11th century Kyoto. This much-loved work is still widely read today. In a five-year project, a university team recreated the kimono worn by one of the characters, the lady Akashi no Kimi. A traditional Kyoto dyer reproduced the subtly shaded colors that reflect a distinctive Japanese sense of beauty, using historically accurate natural dyes.
Six months after the major earthquake of January 2024, most of the communities throughout the Noto Peninsula were cancelling their annual Kiriko festivals. One exception was Notojima Island, where the young people of Koda decided to go ahead with their festival as a prayer for recovery from the disaster. Uniquely, in addition to the giant lantern floats, Koda is also a fire festival. The high point of the event features dancers waving burning straw torches as they circle around a 30-meter-tall pillar of flame.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2014) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Filipino Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early plantation workers, known as sakadas. Interviews include Dr. Belinda A. Aquino (Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dr. Raymund Liongson (Associate Professor & Coordinator of Asian & Philippine Studies at University of Hawaii Leeward Community College), Dr. Vina A. Lanzona (Current Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), and a visit to the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Social Changes As part of the maturation process, young people will likely request more privacy in their personal life, which is perfectly acceptable. However, they shouldn't close the door on family or important others. What's the purpose of a secret life anyway? In social settings they will begin to take an interest in others who didn't seem so interesting previously. In general girls will be more interested in boys and boys will be more interested in girls. This is also a time of tremendous peer pressure so they need to be very choosy about who they select for friends and what groups they may consider to join.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Changes With School Upon leaving Elementary School most everything in a students life is going to change while they transition to Middle School. Students will be starting over again...beginning at the bottom grade level. They'll have more teachers and more classes. Extra-curricular events will take more of their time. They'll need to be better organized and learn techniques for staying on top of all that schoolwork. The social dynamics with other classmates will become more sophisticated. Middle School is a period of tremendous growth and enormous change for any student. Helping them understand how to deal with the changes can only lighten the process.
Audience: General; Grades: K-12; Subject Areas: Science. The video briefly recounts the eruptive history of Halema'uma'u and describes the formation and continued growth of the current summit vent and lava lake. It features USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists sharing their insights on the summit eruption: how they monitor the lava lake, how and why the lake level rises and falls, why explosive events occur, the connection between Kilauea's ongoing summit and East Rift Zone eruptions, and the impacts of the summit eruption on the Island of Hawai'i and beyond.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Language Arts. Write Right! Learning Cursive tackles the drudgery and redundant nature of learning to write in cursive handwriting for elementary age children and helps them develop good habits in order to write right! Concepts: Letters: r, s, R, B, S, Words: Roar, Best, Share, Sentence: Bears snore.
When the children find a huge set of footprints, they become scared, but the footprints belong to friendly Dog, and he takes them to meet a giant who is oddly familiar.
The children are playing games in the forest, and Winadzi is being a poor sport. Showing off, he winds up trapped on a high ledge, but he? s too proud to ask for help.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Wirag learns to play his xylophone by ear, without a musical score. While practicing in front of a Buddhist temple, he is invited by a monk to play on a magnificent xylophone.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) An 8 year old boy is learning how to play the taiko drum.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Peter, who lives in Hong Kong and loves classical music. Peter plays the violin in an orchestra, and sings soprano with a world famous choir. Joins Peter as he prepares for a concert.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Rebecca, a citizen of Hong Kong who plays the butterfly harp. Rebecca and her family share an informal musical improvisation evening with friends, playing traditional instruments.
Six months after the major earthquake of January 2024, most of the communities throughout the Noto Peninsula were cancelling their annual Kiriko festivals. One exception was Notojima Island, where the young people of Koda decided to go ahead with their festival as a prayer for recovery from the disaster. Uniquely, in addition to the giant lantern floats, Koda is also a fire festival. The high point of the event features dancers waving burning straw torches as they circle around a 30-meter-tall pillar of flame.
The Japanese rely on rail transportation more than most, with the busiest of Tokyo's many large stations handling around 2.7 million passengers a day, commuting to work and school. These stations contain malls that offer everything from convenience stores to cafes and bookstores, and which continually add new services to keep pace with modern life. We visit a clinic, accessible from the platform to provide consultations for commuters on the go, and a daycare center run by a rail company for working parents.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
The research in this program focuses on how the East and West view the world. Westerners tend to focus on objects in a scene independently of each other. Easterners view the whole and the interaction between objects. In each instance, different parts of the brain are activated and different conclusions drawn. This effects everyday life such as: Language- "More tea?" (West/object) versus "Drink more?" (East/interaction with object) Character- "He is mean" (West/individual) versus "He had a bad day"( East/effect of others)
Perspective of self and others is explored. The West is more ego-centric and individualistic, seeing from the observers point of view. The East tends to be retrospective, considering what others think. For example, in the West you would give lots of drink choices, allowing individual choice. In the East it is polite to consider the persons favorite drink and offer that. This perspective leads the West to value the self whereas the East places importance on the group.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using sketch painting, an artist illustrates the "Violin's Story." It was eight in the morning and the underground was full of men wearing damp raincoats, women with umbrellas, children on their way to school, and old folks who couldn't sleep. Regina was with her mother and was a bit angry. She wished she could have slept in. Regina hated rainy days and hated the morning ride even more. Luckily, a man got on at the next step and started playing a musical instrument that Regina had never seen before. Regina couldn't help staring at the man as she listened spellbound to the music. The other passengers could only hear the gypsy melody. But Regina heard the strange instrument's voice as it spoke the following words, "Close your eye's and listen to the violins' story...a story of an orphan who wins the love of a princess."
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2015) The Ancient Traditions Of The Lohar of Rajasthan Loyalty, tradition, and family ties come together to connect people with their history, often to the point of hampering their future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2015) The Caste System Despite being outlawed, the caste system in India still adheres to the ancient Hindu-based hierarchy. Here, in the holy city of Varanasi, it remains an obstacle to full democracy.
Travels through the country of Madagascar, revealing its unemcumbered rain forests and deserts, unspoiled beaches, beobabs and banyan trees. Visits Antananarivo, the Perinet Reserve, Antsirabe, Fianarantsoa, Isalo National Park, Toliara and the resort area of Nosy Be. Highlights the art and crafts of the Madagascar people, which include woodcarving, papermaking and cutting semi precious stones.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2019)
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
A major part of cooking involves delivering heat energy to natural things and transforming them to the state where they can be digested and absorbed. This technique does not stop at simply making food taste good. Professor Wrangham of Harvard University says the ability to produce food through heat is what helped humans evolve.
"Power" is about how to change ingredients using physical force. In terms of preserving, texture, convenience, and nutrient intake, this revolutionary cooking method provided the foundation for cultural development
Fermentation is an advanced cooking method of using microorganisms' life activities to cook food, and it can synthesize new components and remove toxicity from food. But because it uses microorganisms, it is a unique cooking method that causes both aversion and preference.
This episode covers the five taste receptors which are sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour. "Why is sugar sweet?" is the wrong question. "Why does sugar taste sweet to us?" is the right question. Taste doesn't exist in things. It is something our brains create. It is a type of antenna that mankind has developed for survival. It is the ability to consume nutrients and avoid poison.
When the children find a huge set of footprints, they become scared, but the footprints belong to friendly Dog, and he takes them to meet a giant who is oddly familiar.
The children are playing games in the forest, and Winadzi is being a poor sport. Showing off, he winds up trapped on a high ledge, but he? s too proud to ask for help.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Wirag learns to play his xylophone by ear, without a musical score. While practicing in front of a Buddhist temple, he is invited by a monk to play on a magnificent xylophone.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) An 8 year old boy is learning how to play the taiko drum.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Peter, who lives in Hong Kong and loves classical music. Peter plays the violin in an orchestra, and sings soprano with a world famous choir. Joins Peter as he prepares for a concert.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Rebecca, a citizen of Hong Kong who plays the butterfly harp. Rebecca and her family share an informal musical improvisation evening with friends, playing traditional instruments.
Six months after the major earthquake of January 2024, most of the communities throughout the Noto Peninsula were cancelling their annual Kiriko festivals. One exception was Notojima Island, where the young people of Koda decided to go ahead with their festival as a prayer for recovery from the disaster. Uniquely, in addition to the giant lantern floats, Koda is also a fire festival. The high point of the event features dancers waving burning straw torches as they circle around a 30-meter-tall pillar of flame.
The Japanese rely on rail transportation more than most, with the busiest of Tokyo's many large stations handling around 2.7 million passengers a day, commuting to work and school. These stations contain malls that offer everything from convenience stores to cafes and bookstores, and which continually add new services to keep pace with modern life. We visit a clinic, accessible from the platform to provide consultations for commuters on the go, and a daycare center run by a rail company for working parents.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).