Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Introduces the basic units of the metric system and how they compare with the English system of weights and measures. Explains the importance of mensuration and describes different types of physical measurements, including length, distance, volume and mass. Identifies the units of metric measure and discusses the methods of converting from one system to the other. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Discusses the processes of measuring length and temperature using metric units of measure. Defines the concepts of length and distance and illustrates the tools used for these physical measurements. Compares the use of meters in metric measurement to standard units in the English system. Also introduces the Celsius thermometer and Kelvin scale, illustrating how temperature is measured using the metric system. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Explores how the metric system is used to measure the properties of matter. Defines mass and volume and introduces the metric units used for mass measurement and cubic content. Illustrates how a triple beam balance is used to determine weight and how mass, volume and density are measured in grams, liters and centimeters. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Illustrates how to convert English units of measurement to metric units. Begins by explaining how different units of metric measurement can be converted within the system itself and illustrates the formulae for determining mass, volume and density. Contrasts standard units of measure with metric units and illustrates the conversions for length and distance, mass, volume and temperature. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock introduces the principles of addition as he prepares for a birthday party. Animated graphics are used to illustrate adding one-digit whole numbers, including sums equal to ten. Children are shown adding different objects and the mathematical symbols used in addition sentences are identified along with related facts for solving problems.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock explains the value of money and demonstrates the basic principles of counting money. He identifies the number of cents in a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar bill. Students learn how to combine coins to make a certain value and Dr. Rock illustrates the symbols associated with money, such as the dollar sign and decimal point.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
Most people say 'yes' even though their actions say 'no'. Don't be one of those people! Biz Kid$ will show you how you can develop your MDM (Million Dollar Mindset), maximize saving strategies, and get the best return on your investments so you can take advantage of the power of compound interest. You won't get rich overnight but eventually you'll be making millions.
The average college student will graduate with over $35,000 in debt, and some with thousands more. Faced with such a heavy burden some kids are opting not to go to college. This episode looks at college from a return-on-investment perspective. Which degrees pay for themselves and which don't. When does it make sense NOT to go to college? And how to get creative to achieve your college dreams without ending up with a lifetime of payments.
DOE Vocational Rehabilitation partnership featuring Farrington High & Waimea High. Interviews with Vocational Rehabilitation staff, Hookipa Workforce Academy partners, and school staff.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces 9-year-old Hed, who lives in Israel. Hed shares her dream of becoming an opera singer. Joins Hed as she sings soprano with the the Tel Aviv Philharmonic Orchestra.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part I - Coming Up With The Idea - Market Research On Customers And Competitors - Creating a Business Plan For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part II - Financing Options For Your Start-up - Working With Banks - Managing Money For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part III - Bootstrapping To Keep Costs Low - Are You Ready? - Finding Your First Customer For documents go to:
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil and the team are on an emergency call to capture and release a sick Galapagos shark from the Bermuda aquarium. They risk their lives to transport the shark 10 miles off shore for release in a protected marine reserve. Watch Neil and the team swim with larger wild Galapagos sharks, studying their behaviour to see if there's any truth behind their reputation as wild man-eaters. This marks the start of a scientific study that will eventually help protect the declining population of this species.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil and the Ocean Vet team are faced with an intense day of veterinary work checking the health of endangered spotted eagle rays. They face a tricky task to capture one of the most intelligent fish in the ocean. Watch as the team attach satellite tracking tags, take DNA samples, and ultrasound these animals to see if they're carrying pups. The teams research will answer long standing scientific questions on how these elegant elasmobranchs arrived in Bermuda's waters.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2017)
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2020) In this episode: Fertilizer from poultry waste, ancient shark in 3D, an intelligent desk, WIFIRE, solar superstorms, Alaska Fire and Ice, what you never learned about mass, and more
Audience: Students; Grades: K-2; Subject Areas: World Languages, Mandarin Chinese.(2009) Introduces the Chinese language and culture through creative skits, songs, and engaging video teachers.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-2; Subject Areas: World Languages, Mandarin Chinese.(2009) Introduces the Chinese language and culture through creative skits, songs, and engaging video teachers.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Rebecca, a citizen of Hong Kong who plays the butterfly harp. Rebecca and her family share an informal musical improvisation evening with friends, playing traditional instruments.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) This program features the fascinating history of Lana'i island from its early geology to the end of the 19th century. Included are the first settlement of the island by Polynesians with some traditional stories; Western contact and the resulting sociological and ecological changes; Protestant missions and Mormon settlement; land ownership consolidation under Walter Murray Gibson and the beginning of the island?s sheep industry.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2017) This program will continue to cover the unique history of Lana'i island from the end of the 19th century to present day. Included are: the further consolidation of land ownership, the transition from sugar to cattle ranching; the establishment of the pineapple industry on Lana'i and the immigration of workers; the change from an agricultural based economy to tourism; the establishment of the Lana'i Heritage and Cultural Center.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) The island of Lana'i is moving toward building a sustainable island community. This video features the elements of natural and cultural resources and how these will guide water use, the development of renewable energy, a stable economy, education, housing, and health. Interviewed are those key individuals dedicated to guiding and building a sustainable island community on Lana'i.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) An embroidery and fabric artist tells a Russian folk tale about the misfortunate Irina whose stepmother makes her take the cows out to pasture on a cold, cold day. Irina is so sad and lonely she soon starts talking to a brown cow. She is telling the cow about her fears and worries when all of a sudden, the brown cow opens one of its big ears and invites the girl to step inside. Without a second thought, Irina lets herself be sucked to safety within the cow's ear. Eventually Irina is saved by the cow and finds her true love.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. They have distinctive literary voices that reflect with depth their roots in Hawai'i and the Pacific. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. After reading a poem, they comment on each piece, giving the viewers insights into their creative process. Mahealani Perez-Wendt is a Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) poet, writer and community activist residing in Hawai'i, on the island of Maui. She is the 1993 recipient of the Eliot Cades literary award, and is the author of Uluhaimalama, an anthology of her poetry. Her work has appeared in numerous publications. Her unique and accomplished voice is an important part of the development of indigenous literature in Hawai'i.
Grades: 9-12; Language arts. Juliet S. Kono has written two books of poetry, a short story collection, and several children's books. She has been widely anthologized, most recently in Imagine What It's Like, which combines literature and medicine. Her most recent book is Anshuu, a historical novel about World War II, published in 2010. Ms. Kono has won several awards, most notably the American Japanese National Literary Award and U.S./Japan Friendship Commission Creative Artists Exchange Fellowship in 1999.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. They have distinctive literary voices that reflect with depth their roots in Hawai'i and the Pacific. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. After reading a poem, they comment on each piece, giving the viewers insights into their creative process. Cathy Song was born in Honolulu, Hawai'i in 1955 of Chinese and Korean descent. She left the island to pursue her education, receiving her B.A. from Wellesley College in 1977 and an M.A. in creative writing from Boston University in 1981. She returned to Hawai'i after graduating. In 1983, Song published her first collection of poetry, Picture Bride, which won the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition, a very prestigious national poetry award.
Through her writings, Tennent describes her early influences, techniques and what she tried to accomplish.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: Fine Arts. (2016)
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Kim Duffet and host Page Chang discuss the use of space in art and demonstrate this concept through a clay sculpture project.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Terry Taube demonstrates symbolism in a project making a plaster mold, casting paper pulp, and creating paper masks.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Peggy Chun demonstrates watercolor techniques in painting a hibiscus.
Learn the secrets behind thermos' amazing technology! And they were the sweet candy pellets we loved as a kid, but did you know that PEZ was created to help people stop smoking? And find out how a steamboat inspired SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS to change his name to MARK TWAIN!
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using mixed media, an artist illustrates the Australian aborigine story of the Thirsty Frog. Tiddalik the frog was so thirsty, he drank all the water in the rivers and lakes of Australia, turning the land into a desert. One day, the wise old bat had an idea -- if they could make Tiddalik laugh he would cough up all the water in his belly. Each of the animals tried to make Tiddalik laugh, but to no avail. At last it was the Eel's turn. He did a funny snake routine, but only when he got so close to Tiddalik that the tip of his tail tickled his belly did the frog laugh. He laughed so hard that water started pouring out of his mouth and soon the rivers and lakes filled up again. Australia went back to being as beautiful as it had always been.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006 )Pat Ekstrand, Watercolor artist, Printmaker and committed Educator. This short biography explores her art work, reflecting on an extraordinary life and a Hawaii of our past.
Audience: General; Grades: All; Subject: Fine Arts. Profile of local artist Allyn Bromley
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
Audience: General; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Fine Arts. (2017) Following 9 Hawaii print artists as they prepare for an exhibition at The Ropewalk, UK. From The Ropewalk: I ka Piko: The center or source, connections and balance. "I ka Piko not only describes our cultural relationships but also the islands we come from, growing up from the middle of the vast oceanic floor of the Pacific. In "I ka Piko" nine Hawai'i print artists explore through their work what it means to a Kama'aina (child of this land) to be from this unique place. Featuring: Gina Bacon Kerr, Marissa Eshima, Kathy Merrill Kelley, Barbara Okamoto, Mary Philpotts McGrath, Doug Po'oloa Tolentino, David B. Smith, Nancy Vilhauer, and George Woollard
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2020) In this episode: Fertilizer from poultry waste, ancient shark in 3D, an intelligent desk, WIFIRE, solar superstorms, Alaska Fire and Ice, what you never learned about mass, and more
Audience: Students; Grades: K-2; Subject Areas: World Languages, Mandarin Chinese.(2009) Introduces the Chinese language and culture through creative skits, songs, and engaging video teachers.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-2; Subject Areas: World Languages, Mandarin Chinese.(2009) Introduces the Chinese language and culture through creative skits, songs, and engaging video teachers.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Rebecca, a citizen of Hong Kong who plays the butterfly harp. Rebecca and her family share an informal musical improvisation evening with friends, playing traditional instruments.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) This program features the fascinating history of Lana'i island from its early geology to the end of the 19th century. Included are the first settlement of the island by Polynesians with some traditional stories; Western contact and the resulting sociological and ecological changes; Protestant missions and Mormon settlement; land ownership consolidation under Walter Murray Gibson and the beginning of the island?s sheep industry.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2017) This program will continue to cover the unique history of Lana'i island from the end of the 19th century to present day. Included are: the further consolidation of land ownership, the transition from sugar to cattle ranching; the establishment of the pineapple industry on Lana'i and the immigration of workers; the change from an agricultural based economy to tourism; the establishment of the Lana'i Heritage and Cultural Center.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) The island of Lana'i is moving toward building a sustainable island community. This video features the elements of natural and cultural resources and how these will guide water use, the development of renewable energy, a stable economy, education, housing, and health. Interviewed are those key individuals dedicated to guiding and building a sustainable island community on Lana'i.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) An embroidery and fabric artist tells a Russian folk tale about the misfortunate Irina whose stepmother makes her take the cows out to pasture on a cold, cold day. Irina is so sad and lonely she soon starts talking to a brown cow. She is telling the cow about her fears and worries when all of a sudden, the brown cow opens one of its big ears and invites the girl to step inside. Without a second thought, Irina lets herself be sucked to safety within the cow's ear. Eventually Irina is saved by the cow and finds her true love.