Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science. (2011) Students will learn how to measure length and distance using common tools in this engaging, colorful program. Concepts and terminology: metric ruler, meter, centimeter, and kilometer. For the teacher's guide go to:
From field grown to heirloom to hothouse to custom-engineered. Tomatoes are America's second-favorite vegetable (even though they're technically a fruit, a berry in fact) behind only King Potato. But American growers are under intense pressure from foreign competitors. How will they survive? We'll wrap up with a scientist who has developed a new tomato variety that might just provide that answer.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that plants create green environments and that we need to keep our life-support system growing. Understanding what a plant needs helps us to preserve the green environment. Plants are solar powered and do their growing at night. Then chlorophyl turns sunlight into energy to keep our plants growing and give energy to us. Nick shows how celery absorbs water, and warns that we must all learn the conditions that plants need to grow. With his young visitors he plants wheat grass, provides the right environment, and watches the plants grow.
Audience: General; Subject: Local business. (2017) Go behind the scenes of Kahuku Farms in this episode of GROW. Interviews with Kahuku Farms operators Kylie Matsuda-Lum and Judah Lum. See how local Hawaii farms have to work with federal, state, and county offices while providing goods and services. Also, find out more about Hawaii's local agriculture sector from interviews with Hawaii's Department of Agriculture's Scott Enright and University of Hawaii's Steven Chiang from the Agribusiness Incubator Program and GoFarm Hawaii.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Science. (2012) Many of the things we eat and enjoy are grown in soil. This engaging program explores the soil and rocks importance of soil while taking a look at how soil is formed. Different types of soil and their characteristics are explored. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health. (2007) Highlights the six major essential nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Also explores the digextive process and the nutritional benefits of certain foods. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health.(2007) Explores the USDA food pyramid, emphasizing the five major food groups and the nutritional benefits of each. Balanced diets are also explained. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject: Science. (2003) Investigates the composition of food and defines the main types of nutrients needed to maintain proper nutrition and health. Identifies the organs of the digestion system and excretory system, including the esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, lungs, kidneys, and liver. Differentiates between mechanical and chemical digestion, illustrating how food breaks down during the digestive process. Explains how the body obtains nutrients from food and how wastes are excreted from the body. Program concludes with 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Health, SEL. (2018) Solid scientific evidence has shown the positive effects of mindfulness in school programs. However, teaching young children mindfulness concepts can be challenging. Breathe Like A Bear comes to the rescue, providing an engaging, kid-friendly introduction to mindfulness. This beautifully illustrated collection of mindfulness exercises is designed to teach young students techniques for managing their bodies, breath, and emotions. These thirty simple, short breathing practices and movements can be performed anytime, anywhere: at a child's desk at school, during heavy homework nights at home, or simply in the car on the way to the grocery store. The exercises are broken down into five sections: Be Calm, Focus, Imagine, Make Some Energy, and Relax. Based on Kira Willey's Parents' Choice GOLD Award winner Mindful Moments for Kids, Breathe Like a Bear is sure to help children find calm, gain focus, and feel energized during the day.
Audience: Students; Grades: K; Subject: Physics (2009)
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject: Science. (2007) The Elementary Physical Science Collection includes video programs correlated to the curriculum and specifically designed for the classroom. These titles cover a wide range of physical science topics including matter, energy, electricity, chemistry, measuring, motion, sound, and light. For the teacher's guide go to:
UAudience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject: Science. (2007) The Elementary Physical Science Collection includes video programs correlated to the curriculum and specifically designed for the classroom. These titles cover a wide range of physical science topics including matter, energy, electricity, chemistry, measuring, motion, sound, and light. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject: Science. (2007) The Elementary Physical Science Collection includes video programs correlated to the curriculum and specifically designed for the classroom. These titles cover a wide range of physical science topics including matter, energy, electricity, chemistry, measuring, motion, sound, and light. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject: Science. (2007) The Elementary Physical Science Collection includes video programs correlated to the curriculum and specifically designed for the classroom. These titles cover a wide range of physical science topics including matter, energy, electricity, chemistry, measuring, motion, sound, and light. For the teacher's guide go to:
Behind the scenes of how Coca-Cola got its start, how a US president helped create the teddy bear, the origin of the Slinky and the Wiffle Ball, and how a pie tin inspired the creation of the Frisbee.
It was the purrrfect idea for making our furry friends more pleasant around the house! You'll learn how kitty litter clawed its way into our homes. And you'll learn how a garment made out of special woven fibers can stop a bullet, plus, why is walking under a ladder bad luck? And finally, we'll cut to the chase and explain the history behind this common phrase!
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject: Science. (2007) The Elementary Physical Science Collection includes video programs correlated to the curriculum and specifically designed for the classroom. These titles cover a wide range of physical science topics including matter, energy, electricity, chemistry, measuring, motion, sound, and light. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2020) In this episode: Sweat biosensors, 4 Awesome Discoveries, the biology of bats, a veteran's journey, expeditions in computing, asking all the right questions, clues from the ice, dance of the droplets, on Golden's melt pond - math on the ice, and more!
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science. (2002) Describes the characteristics of grasslands and explores different types of grasslands, including the African savanna, California grasslands, intermountain grasslands, desert grasslands, shortgrass prairies, mixed prairies, and tallgrass prairies. Introduces the plant and animal life found in each environment. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science (2002) Explores the characteristics of the desert biome, examining the role of climate and temperature in determining the nature of deserts. Introduces desert soils, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates. Visits the arctic tundra and alpine tundra biomes, which are similar to the desert biome in that they receive little precipitation. Explores the climate of the tundra and introduces the plants and animals that live there. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science (2002) Explores the general characteristics of aquatic biomes. Discusses ocean ecology, pointing out the different environments found in the intertidal zone, the neritic zone and the open ocean. Introduces estuaries and freshwater biomes, which include streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and swamps. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) An earthquake can be one of the most destructive natural disasters on Earth! It comes without warning and in a matter of seconds can level a city.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) Hurricanes are nature's giants, some reaching up to nine miles tall!! But one thing is nearly certain ? every year there will be a few hurricanes that do hit land. From space, a hurricane looks like a giant, circular, swirling cloud ? with a hole in the center. The hole is called the "eye" of the storm. A hurricane is one of the biggest, most dramatic shows that Nature can put on. It's an extreme example of our global weather system in action. A hurricane is an awe-inspiring event ? but one you'll want to observe from a safe distance!
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) One of the worst natural disasters in history happened in December of 2004. It was a tsunami. A massive wall of water crashed on to the shore in Indonesia. It smashed into villages and swept away almost everything in its path. But a tsunami is just another sign that Mother Nature is continuing her natural process of change. Fortunately for us, dangerous tsunamis are also extremely rare.
Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science.(2012) Crisp, vivid video footage illustrates how living things change throughout their lives. The life cycles of plants, insects, and frogs are the focus of this fascinating program. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Traces the discovery of cells and the development of cell theory. Uses animation to identify the different parts of a cell, including the nucleus, cytoplasm, golgi bodies, mitochondria, vacuoles and lysosomes. Also explores the differences between animal and plant cells. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Explores some of the important cell processes necessary for life. Describes the process of photosynthesis, through which plants capture the energy of the sun to produce food. Explains that organisms unable to create their own energy must generate it from food through respiration. Describes how cells transport materials into and out of their membranes through diffusion, osmosis, and active transport. Also discusses how cells grow and duplicate through cell growth and mitosis. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Explains how viruses and monerans are both beneficial and harmful to humans. Describes the structure of a virus and explains how viruses reproduce and cause disease. Uses microscopic images to illustrate different types and shapes of bacteria. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Introduces the basic units of the metric system and how they compare with the English system of weights and measures. Explains the importance of mensuration and describes different types of physical measurements, including length, distance, volume and mass. Identifies the units of metric measure and discusses the methods of converting from one system to the other. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Discusses the processes of measuring length and temperature using metric units of measure. Defines the concepts of length and distance and illustrates the tools used for these physical measurements. Compares the use of meters in metric measurement to standard units in the English system. Also introduces the Celsius thermometer and Kelvin scale, illustrating how temperature is measured using the metric system. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Explores how the metric system is used to measure the properties of matter. Defines mass and volume and introduces the metric units used for mass measurement and cubic content. Illustrates how a triple beam balance is used to determine weight and how mass, volume and density are measured in grams, liters and centimeters. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Illustrates how to convert English units of measurement to metric units. Begins by explaining how different units of metric measurement can be converted within the system itself and illustrates the formulae for determining mass, volume and density. Contrasts standard units of measure with metric units and illustrates the conversions for length and distance, mass, volume and temperature. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock introduces the principles of addition as he prepares for a birthday party. Animated graphics are used to illustrate adding one-digit whole numbers, including sums equal to ten. Children are shown adding different objects and the mathematical symbols used in addition sentences are identified along with related facts for solving problems.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock explains the value of money and demonstrates the basic principles of counting money. He identifies the number of cents in a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar bill. Students learn how to combine coins to make a certain value and Dr. Rock illustrates the symbols associated with money, such as the dollar sign and decimal point.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
Most people say 'yes' even though their actions say 'no'. Don't be one of those people! Biz Kid$ will show you how you can develop your MDM (Million Dollar Mindset), maximize saving strategies, and get the best return on your investments so you can take advantage of the power of compound interest. You won't get rich overnight but eventually you'll be making millions.
The average college student will graduate with over $35,000 in debt, and some with thousands more. Faced with such a heavy burden some kids are opting not to go to college. This episode looks at college from a return-on-investment perspective. Which degrees pay for themselves and which don't. When does it make sense NOT to go to college? And how to get creative to achieve your college dreams without ending up with a lifetime of payments.
DOE Vocational Rehabilitation partnership featuring Farrington High & Waimea High. Interviews with Vocational Rehabilitation staff, Hookipa Workforce Academy partners, and school staff.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces 9-year-old Hed, who lives in Israel. Hed shares her dream of becoming an opera singer. Joins Hed as she sings soprano with the the Tel Aviv Philharmonic Orchestra.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part I - Coming Up With The Idea - Market Research On Customers And Competitors - Creating a Business Plan For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part II - Financing Options For Your Start-up - Working With Banks - Managing Money For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part III - Bootstrapping To Keep Costs Low - Are You Ready? - Finding Your First Customer For documents go to:
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil and the team are on an emergency call to capture and release a sick Galapagos shark from the Bermuda aquarium. They risk their lives to transport the shark 10 miles off shore for release in a protected marine reserve. Watch Neil and the team swim with larger wild Galapagos sharks, studying their behaviour to see if there's any truth behind their reputation as wild man-eaters. This marks the start of a scientific study that will eventually help protect the declining population of this species.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil and the Ocean Vet team are faced with an intense day of veterinary work checking the health of endangered spotted eagle rays. They face a tricky task to capture one of the most intelligent fish in the ocean. Watch as the team attach satellite tracking tags, take DNA samples, and ultrasound these animals to see if they're carrying pups. The teams research will answer long standing scientific questions on how these elegant elasmobranchs arrived in Bermuda's waters.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2017)
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2020) In this episode: Sweat biosensors, 4 Awesome Discoveries, the biology of bats, a veteran's journey, expeditions in computing, asking all the right questions, clues from the ice, dance of the droplets, on Golden's melt pond - math on the ice, and more!
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science. (2002) Describes the characteristics of grasslands and explores different types of grasslands, including the African savanna, California grasslands, intermountain grasslands, desert grasslands, shortgrass prairies, mixed prairies, and tallgrass prairies. Introduces the plant and animal life found in each environment. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science (2002) Explores the characteristics of the desert biome, examining the role of climate and temperature in determining the nature of deserts. Introduces desert soils, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates. Visits the arctic tundra and alpine tundra biomes, which are similar to the desert biome in that they receive little precipitation. Explores the climate of the tundra and introduces the plants and animals that live there. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Environmental Science (2002) Explores the general characteristics of aquatic biomes. Discusses ocean ecology, pointing out the different environments found in the intertidal zone, the neritic zone and the open ocean. Introduces estuaries and freshwater biomes, which include streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and swamps. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) An earthquake can be one of the most destructive natural disasters on Earth! It comes without warning and in a matter of seconds can level a city.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) Hurricanes are nature's giants, some reaching up to nine miles tall!! But one thing is nearly certain ? every year there will be a few hurricanes that do hit land. From space, a hurricane looks like a giant, circular, swirling cloud ? with a hole in the center. The hole is called the "eye" of the storm. A hurricane is one of the biggest, most dramatic shows that Nature can put on. It's an extreme example of our global weather system in action. A hurricane is an awe-inspiring event ? but one you'll want to observe from a safe distance!
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) One of the worst natural disasters in history happened in December of 2004. It was a tsunami. A massive wall of water crashed on to the shore in Indonesia. It smashed into villages and swept away almost everything in its path. But a tsunami is just another sign that Mother Nature is continuing her natural process of change. Fortunately for us, dangerous tsunamis are also extremely rare.
Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science.(2012) Crisp, vivid video footage illustrates how living things change throughout their lives. The life cycles of plants, insects, and frogs are the focus of this fascinating program. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Traces the discovery of cells and the development of cell theory. Uses animation to identify the different parts of a cell, including the nucleus, cytoplasm, golgi bodies, mitochondria, vacuoles and lysosomes. Also explores the differences between animal and plant cells. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Explores some of the important cell processes necessary for life. Describes the process of photosynthesis, through which plants capture the energy of the sun to produce food. Explains that organisms unable to create their own energy must generate it from food through respiration. Describes how cells transport materials into and out of their membranes through diffusion, osmosis, and active transport. Also discusses how cells grow and duplicate through cell growth and mitosis. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2001) Explains how viruses and monerans are both beneficial and harmful to humans. Describes the structure of a virus and explains how viruses reproduce and cause disease. Uses microscopic images to illustrate different types and shapes of bacteria. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to: