First hand accounts show how governments, industries, and people worldwide are developing bio fuels. Part 1: At the Norfolk Race track films a racing car fueled by detropha, an inedible oil from a plant grown in India and Africa. Part 2: In Uganda, shows that palm oil is being used for biomass energy at the cost of deforestation. In the Solomon Islands coconut fuel is being used as a substitute for diesel. Part 3: In London, hemp, potatoes and cashew nuts have been used to create a biodegradable racing car. Part 4: In Mumbai, India, ferries are becoming environmentally friendly by using bio-diesel and recycling wastes collected on the boats. Part 5: In Argentina a bio-diesel processing plant uses soybeans. Part 6: In Israel, cow manure from dairy farms is being used to generate electricity. Part 7: From Alaska to Argentina, follows the trip of adventurers who fueled their truck on used vegetable oils.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:22:29