Trouble with Grown Ups - In order to convey that it's tough being a cub, Brother and Sister put on a play, which comically depicts their parents as overbearing tyrants. The cubs are pleased when Mama and Papa agree they see the cubs' point. However when Mama and Papa offer to switch places with Brother and Sister and let them be the parents, the cubs readily agree. It's only after the cubs realize they're responsible for doing the dishing, making the meals and keeping the house in order that they come to the conclusion, and see Mama and Papa's point, that sometimes it's just as tough being a parent as it is being a cub. Share a Story Theme: Acting Out Too Much TV - When Mama puts a ban on television watching for one whole week, the cubs initially go into hysterics. As the week unfolds, Brother, Sister and Papa too, find that their interests extend well beyond the television set. They grow to realize just how entertaining the great outdoors and other "simple" pleasures can be. SAS Theme: Acting Out, Reading Aloud.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:28:46