Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Why Maui Snares the Sun Long ago, Kala (the sun) raced across the sky as he pleased, leaving the land and its people with short days and long, dark nights. Among those suffering from the lack of daylight was the goddess Hina, mother of Maui, the demigod. In order to make things pono (right), Maui summons all his courage and travels to the highest summit of Haleakala where he confronts the Mighty Kala.
At 'Iolani Palace in Honolulu you step back into Hawai'i's royal past, relive the story of Hawai'i's kings and queens, and explore the palace King Kalakaua built in 1882.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2009) Join host Archie Kao as he shares the incredible story of Chinese American Achievement, from the first wave of immigrants in California's gold fields to the entrepreneurs of the 21st century's Information Age. It is a spellbinding account of accomplishment ... Jerry Yang and the creation of Yahoo ... Amy Tan's fascinating novels of Chinese American life ... I.M Pei and his magnificent architecture ... Michelle Kwan, the darling of American figure skaters ... Yo Yo Ma's acclaimed cello performances ... The legendary Bruce Lee and his extraordinary martial arts ... And over 40 more stories of Chinese American achievers who have helped shaped America into its leadership role in the 21st century.. 600 - Li Yan Chu Writes the First Account of a North American Exploration 1823 - Chinese Entrepreneur Hung Tai Introduces Sugar Mills to Hawaii 1850 - Yee Fung Cheung Pioneers California's Gold Rush 1851 - Chinese Invention Revolutionizes Gold Mining
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2009) 1854 - Yung Wing Becomes the First Chinese American to Graduate from a U.S. College 1854 - Chinese Six Companies Represent All Chinese in the United States 1862 - Chinese Americans Distinguish Themselves in the American Civil War 1865 - Chinese American Laborers Build the Transcontinen
The research in this program focuses on how the East and West view the world. Westerners tend to focus on objects in a scene independently of each other. Easterners view the whole and the interaction between objects. In each instance, different parts of the brain are activated and different conclusions drawn. This effects everyday life such as: Language- "More tea?" (West/object) versus "Drink more?" (East/interaction with object) Character- "He is mean" (West/individual) versus "He had a bad day"( East/effect of others)
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2015) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kawamoto Orchid Nursery located in Palolo Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information visit:
Explores Fraser's past through photographs and various art works. Her inspirations from island themes are evident in works ranging from small prints to monumental murals.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
FLASHPOINT - Brings together an accomplished group of Hawai'i based artists working under the theme of FIRE. Artworks in this exhibition depict the varied aspects of FIRE and are visual interpretations of flashpoints in time and place - in methods of fabrication and conceptual context.
When Bukwas steals the souls of Wina, Gwai, and Qos, brave Igis sets off with Raven to rescue them, but Raven?s plan to trick Bukwas may put their souls at risk too!
All Klundux wants to do is play, so he decides to live on his own in the forest with Raven. After a few days of rain and no food, Klundux starts to regret his decision.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL. (2015) Faith: My Story About Being Confident Living a somewhat nomadic life, Faith has lived in various parts of the world, moving regularly when her father accepted new business positions. She describes herself as "shy and awkward". Her personal escape had always been music, having taught herself to play guitar and compose songs. Encouraged to enter a local talent competition her original composition was a selected finalist and aired on radio to thousands. The recognition she received convinced her to pursue music more seriously, simultaneously doing so with a steady focus on her continuing education.
Most people say 'yes' even though their actions say 'no'. Don't be one of those people! Biz Kid$ will show you how you can develop your MDM (Million Dollar Mindset), maximize saving strategies, and get the best return on your investments so you can take advantage of the power of compound interest. You won't get rich overnight but eventually you'll be making millions.
Situated to the west of the Pacific, almost 750 miles away from Australia, New Caledonia is where you will find the largest lagoon on the planet. A coral universe of breath-taking beauty, the lagoon is resident to countless marine species and is both the pantry and the incredible playground of the archipelago?s inhabitants.
The Stockholm archipelago is undoubtedly the most fragmented geographic area in Europe. A jigsaw puzzle of 30,000 islands, each offers an invitation to discover its inhabitants and diversity. It is in this Nordic paradise that we learn of the customs, laws and lifestyles of one world?s richest cities.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2014) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kodama Koi Farms located in Mililani, Oahu a koi farm specializing in Nishikigoi. For information on Kodama Koi Farms visit their website:
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2015) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kawamoto Orchid Nursery located in Palolo Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information visit:
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2015) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kamiya Papaya Farm, located in Hauula, Windward Oahu, Hawaii. Kamiya papayas are sold across supermarkets on Oahu.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2017)
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2014) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Filipino Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early plantation workers, known as sakadas. Interviews include Dr. Belinda A. Aquino (Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dr. Raymund Liongson (Associate Professor & Coordinator of Asian & Philippine Studies at University of Hawaii Leeward Community College), Dr. Vina A. Lanzona (Current Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), and a visit to the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu.
Audience: General; Grades: K-12; Subject Areas: Science. The video briefly recounts the eruptive history of Halema'uma'u and describes the formation and continued growth of the current summit vent and lava lake. It features USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists sharing their insights on the summit eruption: how they monitor the lava lake, how and why the lake level rises and falls, why explosive events occur, the connection between Kilauea's ongoing summit and East Rift Zone eruptions, and the impacts of the summit eruption on the Island of Hawai'i and beyond.
FLASHPOINT - Brings together an accomplished group of Hawai'i based artists working under the theme of FIRE. Artworks in this exhibition depict the varied aspects of FIRE and are visual interpretations of flashpoints in time and place - in methods of fabrication and conceptual context.
Audience: General; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Fine Arts. (2017) Following 9 Hawaii print artists as they prepare for an exhibition at The Ropewalk, UK. From The Ropewalk: I ka Piko: The center or source, connections and balance. "I ka Piko not only describes our cultural relationships but also the islands we come from, growing up from the middle of the vast oceanic floor of the Pacific. In "I ka Piko" nine Hawai'i print artists explore through their work what it means to a Kama'aina (child of this land) to be from this unique place. Featuring: Gina Bacon Kerr, Marissa Eshima, Kathy Merrill Kelley, Barbara Okamoto, Mary Philpotts McGrath, Doug Po'oloa Tolentino, David B. Smith, Nancy Vilhauer, and George Woollard
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006 )Pat Ekstrand, Watercolor artist, Printmaker and committed Educator. This short biography explores her art work, reflecting on an extraordinary life and a Hawaii of our past.
When Bukwas steals the souls of Wina, Gwai, and Qos, brave Igis sets off with Raven to rescue them, but Raven?s plan to trick Bukwas may put their souls at risk too!
All Klundux wants to do is play, so he decides to live on his own in the forest with Raven. After a few days of rain and no food, Klundux starts to regret his decision.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL. (2015) Faith: My Story About Being Confident Living a somewhat nomadic life, Faith has lived in various parts of the world, moving regularly when her father accepted new business positions. She describes herself as "shy and awkward". Her personal escape had always been music, having taught herself to play guitar and compose songs. Encouraged to enter a local talent competition her original composition was a selected finalist and aired on radio to thousands. The recognition she received convinced her to pursue music more seriously, simultaneously doing so with a steady focus on her continuing education.
Most people say 'yes' even though their actions say 'no'. Don't be one of those people! Biz Kid$ will show you how you can develop your MDM (Million Dollar Mindset), maximize saving strategies, and get the best return on your investments so you can take advantage of the power of compound interest. You won't get rich overnight but eventually you'll be making millions.