Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. These women come from varied ethnic backgrounds and have all worked hard to contribute to the growing presence of a literary community in Hawai'i. Many of them are dedicated teachers who have mentored others to become writers, and many of them also enjoy a national reputation. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. Amalia B. Bueno's poetry and short stories have been recently published in Tinfish 20, Bamboo Ridge 98, Walang Hiya: Literature Taking Risks Toward Liberatory Practice and Growing Up Filipino II. Born in Manila and raised in Honoulu, she has worked in public relations, community development, and policy research and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in English from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. These women come from varied ethnic backgrounds and have all worked hard to contribute to the growing presence of a literary community in Hawai'i. Many of them are dedicated teachers who have mentored others to become writers, and many of them also enjoy a national reputation. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. Brandy Nalani McDougall, is of Kanaka Maoli (Hawai'i, Maui, O'ahu and Kaua'i lineages), Chinese and Scottish descent. She is the author of a poetry collection, The Salt-Wind, Ka Makani Pa'akai (2008) and a chapbook, "Return to the Kula House," featured in Effigies: An Anthology of New Indigenous Writing, edited by Allison Hedge Coke (2009). She is a co-founder of Ala Press and Kahuaom'noa Press.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. They have distinctive literary voices that reflect with depth their roots in Hawai'i and the Pacific. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. After reading a poem, they comment on each piece, giving the viewers insights into their creative process. Cathy Song was born in Honolulu, Hawai'i in 1955 of Chinese and Korean descent. She left the island to pursue her education, receiving her B.A. from Wellesley College in 1977 and an M.A. in creative writing from Boston University in 1981. She returned to Hawai'i after graduating. In 1983, Song published her first collection of poetry, Picture Bride, which won the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition, a very prestigious national poetry award.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Language Arts. Write Right! Learning Cursive tackles the drudgery and redundant nature of learning to write in cursive handwriting for elementary age children and helps them develop good habits in order to write right! Concepts: purpose, posture, paper postion, holding the pencil.
Asia's Monarchies are all unique, but there is one thing they all share in common - all are at a fascinating point in their various histories. In this five-part series we journey to the heart of these beautiful lands to understand the relationship between the people and their monarchs. To many, their monarchy is an anachronism, an institution that hampers progression. To others, it is the heart and soul of their nation, part of their shared history and a guard against the dangers of modernity. What does the future hold for these monarchies? What is clear is that Asia's monarchies are at a tipping-point and that what happens to each of them will bring about a whole new era that will affect not only the East but the whole world.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using fingerpaints and a brush, an artist illustrates a Native American story about the sun and the moon. The Sun and the Moon used to live on the earth where the Sioux Indians had set their teepees. But things changed when the two came to realize that they were as different as night and day. They often argued until finally one day they had such a serious argument that the Sun decided to move to the sky. When the Moon found out, it was beside itself with envy and decided to do the same thing. The Sun and the Moon never again exchanged another word and from that time on, the Moon follows the Sun where ever it goes, day after day.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2014) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Filipino Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early plantation workers, known as sakadas. Interviews include Dr. Belinda A. Aquino (Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dr. Raymund Liongson (Associate Professor & Coordinator of Asian & Philippine Studies at University of Hawaii Leeward Community College), Dr. Vina A. Lanzona (Current Director of the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa), and a visit to the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu.
(2019) Video by the Hawaii State Department of Education featuring teachers and staff who have made an impact on students. This video features the district and state Teacher of the Year 2019.
This program focuses on teachers who have made a difference in the lives of their students, the educators who make their chosen profession their passion.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using sketch painting, an artist illustrates the "Violin's Story." It was eight in the morning and the underground was full of men wearing damp raincoats, women with umbrellas, children on their way to school, and old folks who couldn't sleep. Regina was with her mother and was a bit angry. She wished she could have slept in. Regina hated rainy days and hated the morning ride even more. Luckily, a man got on at the next step and started playing a musical instrument that Regina had never seen before. Regina couldn't help staring at the man as she listened spellbound to the music. The other passengers could only hear the gypsy melody. But Regina heard the strange instrument's voice as it spoke the following words, "Close your eye's and listen to the violins' story...a story of an orphan who wins the love of a princess."
Pacific Clues visits different archeological sites and clues found on varying islands. The series looks at how these clues help us to unlock the mysteries of the early inhabitants and cultures of the islands.
Pacific Clues visits different archeological sites and clues found on varying islands. The series looks at how these clues help us to unlock the mysteries of the early inhabitants and cultures of the islands.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2014) Artists Carl Pao and Charlie Cohan examine Texture in print making.
When the men awake on a strange shore after being blown out to sea, they find a village of people much like themselves, complete with their own raven, eagle, and frog!
When Dza?s nightmares leave her scared and confused, Wina says he?ll watch over her while she sleeps, but, when he falls asleep, too, he meets Spider in the dream world.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. Daven Hee - Ceramics, Cade Roster - Multi-Media
Explores the mythology, legends and history found in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. Daven Hee - Ceramics, Cade Roster - Multi-Media
At 'Iolani Palace in Honolulu you step back into Hawai'i's royal past, relive the story of Hawai'i's kings and queens, and explore the palace King Kalakaua built in 1882.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
AWAIAULU is dedicated to developing resources and resource people that can bridge Hawaiian knowledge from the past to the present and the future. Awaiaulu works to perpetuate and advance the use of the Hawaiian language and train Hawaiian language translators and editors, generate Hawaiian language books and translations, and other educational material for universities, schools, research arenas, and the general public. This 2019 gathering at Washington Place, the home of Hawaii's last queen, was the introduction of Awaiaulu's programs, goals, mentor translators and newly trained translators to the community.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using pencils and paints, an artist tells a tale of a poor boy and his mother. Biel and his mother are so poor they have no home. One day they are caught in a downpour and take refuge in a seemingly abandoned house. Once inside, they hear the voice of a very old man calling out to them. He asks for light so that he can finish the book he is reading. Then he explains that he died 75 years ago, but couldn't lay to rest until he finished his book. To reward Biel and his mother for their kindness, he directs them to a trap door in the house where there is a treasure chest full of gold coins. With the money, mother and son buy the rundown house and work hard to turn it into a very pretty farmhouse where they live happily ever after.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) An artist draws and paints the story of the Christmas when only one scrawny goose was left and Salvador decided to give the goose to the King to show how much he respected and admired him. The King is so grateful that he offers Salvador a fine gift if he can solve a riddle. Quick-witted Salvador passes the test brilliantly and the King gives him six geese in return. The story spreads quickly and a nobleman tries to use the same method to get a gift from the King, but he can't solve the riddle. Salvador is called in and once again comes up with a bright answer. The King offers him a dozen of his best geese every year. Years later Salvador becomes very famous as the founder of one of the most important families in the city of Fu.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2015) Washington Place tells the story of one of Honolulu's most famous landmarks, Washington Place. The documentary covers the history of the home, from the time of its construction to its present day role as a historic home museum. The documentary explores Washington Place as the home of Queen Lili'uokalani the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Islands.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2015) Uluhaimalama tells the little known story of the garden of Queen Lili'uokalani in Pauoa Valley. Now a cemetery this site played a pivotal role in the tumultuous events that surrounded the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. The documentary covers important historical events of the late 19th century, and recounts the story of an extraordinary, nearly forgotten, event in Hawaiian history.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) The island of Lana'i is moving toward building a sustainable island community. This video features the elements of natural and cultural resources and how these will guide water use, the development of renewable energy, a stable economy, education, housing, and health. Interviewed are those key individuals dedicated to guiding and building a sustainable island community on Lana'i.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2019)
Video about the "Dirt" Show at the Museum of Art (2014)
Audience: General; Grades: All; Subject: Fine Arts. Profile on artist Fred Roster.
When the men awake on a strange shore after being blown out to sea, they find a village of people much like themselves, complete with their own raven, eagle, and frog!
When Dza?s nightmares leave her scared and confused, Wina says he?ll watch over her while she sleeps, but, when he falls asleep, too, he meets Spider in the dream world.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. Daven Hee - Ceramics, Cade Roster - Multi-Media
Explores the mythology, legends and history found in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. Daven Hee - Ceramics, Cade Roster - Multi-Media
At 'Iolani Palace in Honolulu you step back into Hawai'i's royal past, relive the story of Hawai'i's kings and queens, and explore the palace King Kalakaua built in 1882.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.