Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health. (2007) Highlights the six major essential nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Also explores the digextive process and the nutritional benefits of certain foods. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health.(2007) Explores the USDA food pyramid, emphasizing the five major food groups and the nutritional benefits of each. Balanced diets are also explained. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health. (2007) Stresses the fundamental skills needed to plan, select, and prepare foods that make up a healthy diet. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Health. (2007) Addresses a number of health issues including types of foods to avoid, healthy body weight, harmful substances, and the importance of regular exercise. For the teacher's guide go to:
Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science.(2012) It is fascinating to explore the energy relationships between living things. This exciting video investigates the process of living things producing energy, consuming it, and breaking it down. Food chains and food webs visually illustrate these relationships. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: General; Grades: K-12; Subject Areas: Science. The video briefly recounts the eruptive history of Halema'uma'u and describes the formation and continued growth of the current summit vent and lava lake. It features USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists sharing their insights on the summit eruption: how they monitor the lava lake, how and why the lake level rises and falls, why explosive events occur, the connection between Kilauea's ongoing summit and East Rift Zone eruptions, and the impacts of the summit eruption on the Island of Hawai'i and beyond.
Quick, how to you spell sweetpotato? If you think we just did it wrong, think again ? that's the scientific way. And if you grow sweetpotatoes in North Carolina, that matters. And what North Carolina sweetpotato growers think matters because they grow more than two-thirds of the U.S. sweetpotato crop! How did one state become so dominant in a single industry? Believe it or not, tobacco played a role...
Tobacco was the crop that built not just North Carolina agriculture, but the entire state. It supported universities, hospitals and created opportunities for growth that have made North Carolina one of the fasted growing states in the nation. But as word spread about tobacco, that market went into a steep decline. Amazingly, sweetpotatoes like the same land, the same equipment, the same workers ? it was a natural transition. So much so that today North Carolina grows over two-thirds of the U.S. sweetpotato crop!
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that plants create green environments and that we need to keep our life-support system growing. Understanding what a plant needs helps us to preserve the green environment. Plants are solar powered and do their growing at night. Then chlorophyl turns sunlight into energy to keep our plants growing and give energy to us. Nick shows how celery absorbs water, and warns that we must all learn the conditions that plants need to grow. With his young visitors he plants wheat grass, provides the right environment, and watches the plants grow.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that human beings are dependent on plants to survive. Shows how trees are turned into lumber and fuel; how cotton is produced and where wool comes from. Even explains that oil and gas come from dead plants. Introduces medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits. The activity is decorating wrapping paper with leaves and petals.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Science. (2013) If you have ever torn up a piece of paper or seen ice melt, then you have witnessed physical changes. This fascinating program helps students understand some of the different ways matter changes physically. Vivid animations also illustrate various types of phase changes. Concepts and terminology: freezing, melting, condensation, boiling, and evaporation.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: STEM. (2015) Zeros & Ones: The World of Digital Technology The way we process information has had a significant impact on both technology and communication in modern society. From natural analogue systems, we have witnessed the development of binary and digital information systems, and arrived at the massively complex technology that now dominates our daily lives.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Science. (2006) Describes the process of the Earth's orbit and rotation. Examines how these movements cause day and night, leap years, and the changing seasons. Also explains the reasons for the summer and winter solstice and the spring and vernal equinox. Concludes with a 5-question video quiz. For a teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2015) On today's episode of "NASA X," we'll look back at some of those earlier missions and also explore the latest mission to monitor the ozone called SAGE III. We will follow the SAGE III team through the test phase to better understand how this mission will work and what we can expect when it is launched. We'll also get a better understanding of our fragile atmosphere and what we need to do to safeguard it for future generations.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Coming up on this episode of "NASA X," we will follow members of NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate's UAS Integration into the NAS project team as they tackle the major hurdles of integrating these types of vehicles into our daily lives. We'll see how researchers are solving technical challenges as well as concerns around human factors in an effort to one day allow these vehicles to safely integrate into our society.
Audience: Students; Grades:4-5; Subject: Science. (2013) This practical program stresses some of the fundamental essentials to maintaining body health. Everyday examples of healthy habits teach students how they can prevent sickness, and other health problems. Special emphasis is placed on life-long hygiene practices. Concepts and termionology: disease, sickness, hand-washing, germs, teeth brushing, sleep, nutrition, and annual physical. For Guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Sustainable polymers, reading between the lines, eyes on the skies, lemur love, cutting through the noise, Hurricane Harvey response and much more!
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Introduces the basic units of the metric system and how they compare with the English system of weights and measures. Explains the importance of mensuration and describes different types of physical measurements, including length, distance, volume and mass. Identifies the units of metric measure and discusses the methods of converting from one system to the other. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Discusses the processes of measuring length and temperature using metric units of measure. Defines the concepts of length and distance and illustrates the tools used for these physical measurements. Compares the use of meters in metric measurement to standard units in the English system. Also introduces the Celsius thermometer and Kelvin scale, illustrating how temperature is measured using the metric system. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Explores how the metric system is used to measure the properties of matter. Defines mass and volume and introduces the metric units used for mass measurement and cubic content. Illustrates how a triple beam balance is used to determine weight and how mass, volume and density are measured in grams, liters and centimeters. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Illustrates how to convert English units of measurement to metric units. Begins by explaining how different units of metric measurement can be converted within the system itself and illustrates the formulae for determining mass, volume and density. Contrasts standard units of measure with metric units and illustrates the conversions for length and distance, mass, volume and temperature. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) The use of tools, equipment, and instruments in science and engineering is vital to acquiring data. Students will learn how and why tools are helpful in science. Concrete examples of common, everyday tools help teach key concepts and use of tools in science.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock introduces the principles of addition as he prepares for a birthday party. Animated graphics are used to illustrate adding one-digit whole numbers, including sums equal to ten. Children are shown adding different objects and the mathematical symbols used in addition sentences are identified along with related facts for solving problems.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock explains the value of money and demonstrates the basic principles of counting money. He identifies the number of cents in a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar bill. Students learn how to combine coins to make a certain value and Dr. Rock illustrates the symbols associated with money, such as the dollar sign and decimal point.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: STEM. (2015) Zeros & Ones: The World of Digital Technology The way we process information has had a significant impact on both technology and communication in modern society. From natural analogue systems, we have witnessed the development of binary and digital information systems, and arrived at the massively complex technology that now dominates our daily lives.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2015) NASA EDGE visits the Salish Kootenai College in Pablo, Montana to check out their first CubeSat BisonSat!
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2017) Immediately after the end of WWII, Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the United Nations forces, made the assertion that Japan would never be able to return again as a world power. Despite his prediction, Japan ascended into the world's second largest economy in just over two decades. How did Japan achieve this "miraculous" comeback? This episode searches for the answer from newly released documents and audio cassette tapes of leading figures during Japan's rapid economic growth, including politicians, government officials, and business persons.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2017) In the middle of the 1980's, finance took over the main role in the Japanese economy, and the country headed toward an era of financial capitalism. The Japanese, who became an economic giant eventually, immersed themselves in the money game. Real estate values and stock prices escalated giving birth to a "bubble economy." However, this unprecedented booming economy suddenly "burst," and the foundation of Japan was greatly shaken. What happened to the Japanese after the 1980's when the global economy underwent a major change? This episode spotlights what Japan's bubble economy really was, from interviews with more than 100 key figures of the bubble.
The Japanese rely on rail transportation more than most, with the busiest of Tokyo's many large stations handling around 2.7 million passengers a day, commuting to work and school. These stations contain malls that offer everything from convenience stores to cafes and bookstores, and which continually add new services to keep pace with modern life. We visit a clinic, accessible from the platform to provide consultations for commuters on the go, and a daycare center run by a rail company for working parents.
As the world searches for better ways to achieve net zero emissions, hydrogen is emerging as a promising replacement for fossil fuels. The main appeal of hydrogen is as an energy source that emits no carbon dioxide. All-electric vehicles are already commercially available in Japan that are powered solely by hydrogen-generated electricity, and as this eco-friendly technology continues to evolve and spread throughout society, we are beginning to see it used for buses, passenger ships, and even restaurant stovetops.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2013) Little Scientist helps children develop scientific reasoning by exploring the world of science that surrounds them. The unique structure of each program combines a short story with scientific information, enabling children to easily and naturally become interested and engaged. While focusing on the story, children will naturally absorb the science that is presented in various "fun" formats. Science is fun!
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part I - Coming Up With The Idea - Market Research On Customers And Competitors - Creating a Business Plan For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part II - Financing Options For Your Start-up - Working With Banks - Managing Money For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. Start-up Part III - Bootstrapping To Keep Costs Low - Are You Ready? - Finding Your First Customer For documents go to:
Had history repeated itself? Lehman Brothers, a company with more than a 100 year history was gone. It's portfolio of subprime mortgages worthless. 2400 miles away California was beginning to feel the effect. Within months the entire banking system of Iceland would collapse. The global impact catastrophic. What did "too big to fail" really mean?
The center of the capital markets is shifting from America to Asia, that's what the future is going to be. China's economy has been on a fast track of growth, rising in stature. The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China is the world's largest by market value. Still there is a long way to go to make China a financial superpower. Yet Western bankers have hundreds of years of experience. They won't be defeated easily by the current financial crisis.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Business. (2015) Inc. Business Advisor provides "best practice" management information for entrepreneurs to help create and build their business. Inc. draws upon more than thirty years of experience with the most successful, innovative entrepreneurs in the world. More than thirty in depth tutorials on writing a business plan, creating a marketing strategy, managing people, and more provide actionable solutions. DVD extras include how-to guides, related articles and other business tools. For documents go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Career/Life Skills. Career Day is designed to support efforts to increase student interest and performance in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The programs are designed to spark student interest in various STEM-related careers through virtual field trips into various days in the lives of our experts. Guests give on-the-job examples of equipment or methodology used in their careers and talk about the STEM fields of study involved. Students are also given information about the kinds of courses they would need to take in school if they were interested in pursuing careers in any of the fields. Alternative Energy The first program in the series looks at careers in alternative energy and green design.
Provides financial tips on how to manage money wisely. Teenagers speak candidly about their attitudes toward money and consumer spending. Financial experts discuss how to set financial goals, assess needs before wants, plan a budget, and stay in control of spending to avoid credit abuse.
Focuses on financial responsibility and credit card use. Explains the promotions used to target young adults and entice them into becoming credit card customers. Credit counselors discuss all aspects of credit card use, including how to establish consumer credit, understanding the fees involved, and payment of finance charges on outstanding debt. Outlines how to use credit in a responsible manner that leads to financial freedom and a good credit rating.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Career/Life Skills. (2019) Most people have heard of urologists and gynecologists. Alecsa will make an office visit to see a doctor who combines both specialties of medicine in her profession as an urogynecologist. And with the growing popularity of organic foods, we sent Shawn to talk with a production manager of a large citrus farm where he learns about growing organic crops. Then Alecsa finds herself in the county jail. Don't worry - she didn't do anything wrong. She's there to talk with a corrections officer and learn about his duties and how he works with the inmates.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Sustainable polymers, reading between the lines, eyes on the skies, lemur love, cutting through the noise, Hurricane Harvey response and much more!
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Introduces the basic units of the metric system and how they compare with the English system of weights and measures. Explains the importance of mensuration and describes different types of physical measurements, including length, distance, volume and mass. Identifies the units of metric measure and discusses the methods of converting from one system to the other. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Discusses the processes of measuring length and temperature using metric units of measure. Defines the concepts of length and distance and illustrates the tools used for these physical measurements. Compares the use of meters in metric measurement to standard units in the English system. Also introduces the Celsius thermometer and Kelvin scale, illustrating how temperature is measured using the metric system. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Explores how the metric system is used to measure the properties of matter. Defines mass and volume and introduces the metric units used for mass measurement and cubic content. Illustrates how a triple beam balance is used to determine weight and how mass, volume and density are measured in grams, liters and centimeters. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject Areas: Math. (2006) Illustrates how to convert English units of measurement to metric units. Begins by explaining how different units of metric measurement can be converted within the system itself and illustrates the formulae for determining mass, volume and density. Contrasts standard units of measure with metric units and illustrates the conversions for length and distance, mass, volume and temperature. Program concludes with a 10-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) The use of tools, equipment, and instruments in science and engineering is vital to acquiring data. Students will learn how and why tools are helpful in science. Concrete examples of common, everyday tools help teach key concepts and use of tools in science.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock introduces the principles of addition as he prepares for a birthday party. Animated graphics are used to illustrate adding one-digit whole numbers, including sums equal to ten. Children are shown adding different objects and the mathematical symbols used in addition sentences are identified along with related facts for solving problems.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock explains the value of money and demonstrates the basic principles of counting money. He identifies the number of cents in a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar bill. Students learn how to combine coins to make a certain value and Dr. Rock illustrates the symbols associated with money, such as the dollar sign and decimal point.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: STEM. (2015) Zeros & Ones: The World of Digital Technology The way we process information has had a significant impact on both technology and communication in modern society. From natural analogue systems, we have witnessed the development of binary and digital information systems, and arrived at the massively complex technology that now dominates our daily lives.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2015) NASA EDGE visits the Salish Kootenai College in Pablo, Montana to check out their first CubeSat BisonSat!