Rolling past snow-capped peaks, fairy-tale castles, and breathtaking natural wonders, The World?s Most Scenic Railway Journeys is an unforgettable ride through some of the most spectacular landscapes on Earth. From New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and the sweeping Scottish Highlands, to a Mexican odyssey, an Arctic expedition, and a luxurious African safari, it?s a breathtaking adventure. Along the way, meet the engineers who keep these trains running and the many characters who work, travel, and live along these exotic and far-flung routes. And while an airplane is certainly the quickest route to any destination, nothing compares to an epic train expedition where it?s always the journey that counts.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Twelve-year-old Paola lives on an island off the coast of Naples. She plays the piccolo in her village band along with her trumpet-playing brother. While rehearsing for a village parade, her fisherman father returns from a fishing trip at sea just in time to see her perform.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces 9-year-old Shiran, who lives in Rosh Ha Ayin, in Israel. Shiran plays the mandolin and would love to join the city orchestra, like her elder sister.
Explores the history of the United States Constitution and how this document embodies the ideals of American democracy and freedom. Explains the structure of the federal government and how the Constitution sets the standards for electing government officials, provides guidelines for writing laws, and outlines the freedoms guaranteed to all American citizens. An overview of the Bill of Rights and the constitutional amendments is presented.
Explores the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence as the foundation of American democracy. Examines how this national document reflects America's intent to free herself from English rule and symbolizes the American ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Explains how Thomas Jefferson became the author of the Declaration of Independence and emphasizes the responsibility of a representative government to its citizens.
Visits major United States memorial sites.
Explores the history of the White House and its importance as a national symbol. Discusses how the White House is the official home of the President of the United States, representing the ideals of American freedom and democracy. Tours its most prominent rooms, including the Oval Office, the Treaty Room and the East Room. Also portrays some of the first families that have occupied the White House and the many dignitaries honored there.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces 13-year-old Emmanuel who is learning to play the harpsichord at the local school of music in Bordeaux. Joins Emmanuel and Agathe as they rehearse for a concert at the end of the week.
High above its famous beaches and swanky resorts, the Alpes-Maritimes is a mountainous region in the extreme southeast corner of France. It is here, just an hour drive from Nice, where the valleys reveal their secret riches; where mountains rise majestically, where many prefer to appreciate the views of the Cote d? Azure?s hypnotizing blue seas.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2019)
Asia's Monarchies are all unique, but there is one thing they all share in common - all are at a fascinating point in their various histories. In this five-part series we journey to the heart of these beautiful lands to understand the relationship between the people and their monarchs. To many, their monarchy is an anachronism, an institution that hampers progression. To others, it is the heart and soul of their nation, part of their shared history and a guard against the dangers of modernity. What does the future hold for these monarchies? What is clear is that Asia's monarchies are at a tipping-point and that what happens to each of them will bring about a whole new era that will affect not only the East but the whole world.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Bug battles, the power of hydrogen, the ice storm lab, taking a dive with a marine biologist, wearable technology, science in slow-motion? and much more.
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1999: 100 Years: An Overview, 1990's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1900: World Exhibition In Paris, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1901: Death Of Queen Victoria, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1903: The Wright Brothers, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1906: Earthquake In San Francisco, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1907: Rasputin And The Romanovs, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1909: Suffragette Demonstrations, 1900's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL.(2015) Rida: My Story About Women & Personal Freedoms At age 16, Rida chose to be part of mainstream contemporary life rather than adhere to her traditional Pakistani upbringing. Breaking away from the family she loved was not easy, but she has gone on to achieve success on her own and has even been invited back to Pakistan to speak to the media about women and personal freedoms. Rida is determined to continue to contribute to society's cultural understanding and advocate for greater freedoms for women.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL. (2015) Makhala: My Story About Anorexia As a young teen, Makhala was depressed, anxious and dealing with anorexia. Hospitalized, she was told her life would likely end in 2 weeks without proper nourishment. But then an amazing thing happened. Instantly identifying with a fragile animal about to be put down she was gripped by a need to save it and in turn saved herself. Today she is inspired to help others avoid the downward spirals that nearly crushed her and speaks regularly to kids about depression and anxiety. She's also hoping to establish an equine-assisted therapy school.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
In Tampa Bay, marine biologist, Linda Holland, studies amphioxus, finding this simple animal with its novochord, clearly linked to human evolution. Her studies pinpoint the evolution of body form in amphioxus, chicks, and other animals with a backbone. She also explains how the duplication of genes enabled larger animals to evolve. The second segment recalls the evolutionary period dominated by fishes and the emergence of tetrapods on land. Paleontologist Jenny Clack, recalls how she discovered the transitional form. The segment also studies monitor lizards as examples of the development of tetrapods. The third segment relates amphioxus to the evolution of dinosaurs. In Montana, Kristi Curry-Rogers, a palentologist, explains why she believes dinosaurs grew large very quickly. The fourth segment explains how mammals evolved after the extinction of the dinosaurs. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science.In Hawaii, marine biologist, Gail Kaalialii, studies a variety of echinoderms explaining how echinodern symmetry and body design have enabled these brainless animals to survive and flouish. In the second segment, Don Wobber, a retired sculptor, shows his underwater films that capture sea stars' fight for dominance. Other close-up photography and computer animation demonstrate their hydraulically powered tube feet. A third segment films how sea stars attack mussels with these tube feet and externalize their stomachs to feed. The aggressive, twenty-armed Pycnopodia is filmed as it captures snails and other prey. A final segment follows paleontologist Andrew Smith as gathers fossil evidence that echinoderms evolved a sedimentary, plant-like life that resulted in the great diversity of echinoderms found today. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science.Scientists demonstrate how the struggle for survival drives evolution, introducing molluscs as animals that know the secrets of this competition to survive. Using the example of the abalone, introduces typical mollusk construction: the radula, shell, mantle and body design. Also films how abalones escape their predators by outrunning them, while cockles and moon snails use their foot to dig or remain firmly shut against their enemies. Biologist, Peter Ward, captures a chambered nautilus to demonstrate how evolution transformed a bottom feeder into a battleship-like warrior with spicules that increased its buoyancy. Also reveals how evolutionary features of the nervous system and body design of the squid propells it through the ocean and how the octopus developed a unique body design, camoflauge, and a large brain. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Explains how in 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Details how in the early 18th century Herculaneum and the Villa of the Papyri were discovered. Describes how these discoveries fueled the search for Pompeii which was discovered in 1756. Explains how the numerous frescoes described the life of the inhabitants. Uses three dimensional graphics to show what the various structures would have looked like prior to the volcano. Visits the various monuments and explains their significance in the life style of the time. Includes the forum, amphitheater, odea, villas and taverns. Concludes with a chronicle of the events that occurred during the eruption of Vesuvius.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Highlights Delphi where the Euboeans first visited before their journey to Italy. Explores Naples and details the Roman fascination with this Greek city. Travels to Paestum with its fortifications and temples. Visits Pozzuoli, an important Greek port. Concludes with the solfatara at a volcanic crater and Lake Averno, and the myths associated with them. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate buildings in Naples, the temples of Paestum and Pozzuoli's marketplace.
Travels throughout Greece, describing the landscape, history and culture of this ancient country. Tours the city of Athens, exploring historical sites, Greek architecture, and Greek antiquities, including the Acropolis, Parthenon and Meteora Monasteries. Visits Hydra Island, Peloponnesus, and the ruins of the extinct city, Epidaurus. Travels to the ancient cities of Olympia and Corinth and features the art, theater, philosophy, and legends depicting Greek civilization.
Highlights the scenic landscape and natural history of the Aegean Islands. Travels to the islands of Cyclades, Mykonos, Lesbos, and Melos, exploring the history, geography and antiquities of these ancient Greek islands. Visits a number of historical sites that feature the architecture, ruins and fortifications of ancient Greek civilization. Features a hike through the Samaria Gorge and tours the restored Palace of Knossos, discussing the Greek gods and Greek mythology.
Young citizens learn that patriotism is hard to define, but easy to display. They'll understand that the earliest patriots were our founding fathers. And from their guidance our love of country continues to grow. Our patriotic pride begins at home but quietly spreads into our community and over state borders, filling the entire country. But American patriotism doesn't stop there. It flows across the continent and around the globe. From waving it to wearing it, the American people symbolize patriotism, and America is considered the most patriotic country in the world.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: History. (2003) Traces the history of Greece, from the Neolithic period through the Archaic Period. Describes the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, and the Mycenaen civilization. Discusses the Trojan War, which was the subject of The Illiad by Homer. Discusses Greek mythology and religion and tells the stories of Prometheus and Pandora's box. Discusses the Dorian invasion, which started the Dark Age of Greece. Covers the city-states of the Archaic Period and the first Olympic games.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: History. (2003) Traces the rise of democracy in Athens, and discusses Greek advances in medicine, philosophy, and theatre. Discusses the Persian Wars, the history of Greek antiquities, and the Peloponnesian War. Explains how Alexander the Great spread Greek culture and started the Hellenistic age. Also looks at Greece in the Roman Empire, tourism in Greece today, and the modern Olympic games.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Focuses on the Roman influence in France and Spain. Visits the aqueduct Pont du Gard and the nearby city of Nimes; the amphitheater in Arles; the trimphal arch in Orange; Tarragona, Spain with its vaulted hippodrome and forum; the amphitheater in Italica; and the aqueduct De los Milagros near Merida. Details the three locations in Merida: hippodrome, amphitheater and theater that a gladiator would visit in order to win his wooden sword of freedom. Three dimensional graphics illustrate the Tarragona forum and hippodrome, including the course that a chariot rider would take.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Discusses Pax Romana and the Roman method of incorporating the citizens of a conquered country and how the Romans readily adapted Greek culture. Details how the Roman army carried out various civil engineering projects, built an efficient road system, and used weapons in war. Illustrates Roman military formations and the siege of a city using a catapult and tower.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) In the Roman settlements in North Africa, olives and olive oil were important in the economy. Ruins in Morocco include thermal baths, pools, oil presses, warehouses and villas. Volubilis served as the finest example of Rome's integration of African lands. Three dimensional graphics illustrate the Thysdrus amphitheater, a Bulla Regia residence and a Volubilis temple.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Twelve-year-old Paola lives on an island off the coast of Naples. She plays the piccolo in her village band along with her trumpet-playing brother. While rehearsing for a village parade, her fisherman father returns from a fishing trip at sea just in time to see her perform.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Tagun, an 11-year-old Korean boy who plays a bamboo flute known as the Tanso. His parents are worried about him because he invests so much time in his favorite instrument that he neglects his homework and his sister.
Celebrating the most epic landscapes on Earth! Mountains and Life journeys to the rooftop places of our world to meet the people who cherish, honour, and fight for them. From farmers, artists, and rescue teams, to scientists, musicians, and monks, this series reveals the different ways these mountain-dwellers have adapted to the high life. Narrated by Matthew Gravelle (Broadchurch), Mountains and Life combines stunning photography with thoughtful storytelling to create an emotional engagement with the soaring peaks of the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps, and beyond.
The research in this program focuses on how the East and West view the world. Westerners tend to focus on objects in a scene independently of each other. Easterners view the whole and the interaction between objects. In each instance, different parts of the brain are activated and different conclusions drawn. This effects everyday life such as: Language- "More tea?" (West/object) versus "Drink more?" (East/interaction with object) Character- "He is mean" (West/individual) versus "He had a bad day"( East/effect of others)
Perspective of self and others is explored. The West is more ego-centric and individualistic, seeing from the observers point of view. The East tends to be retrospective, considering what others think. For example, in the West you would give lots of drink choices, allowing individual choice. In the East it is polite to consider the persons favorite drink and offer that. This perspective leads the West to value the self whereas the East places importance on the group.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
A sunny day in paradise turned into one of the deadliest, most catastrophic natural disasters ever. An earthquake deep in the Indian ocean caused tsunamis that battered countries from Southeast Asia all the way to Africa. Hundreds of thousands of people died. Millions were left without food and shelter. Whole cites were wiped out not unlike from a nuclear explosion. The only solace is the creation of an early warning system that has already proven its worth.
Millions of Chinese protested for freedom in Tiananmen Square and around the country. A new generation wanted greater democratic rights. Martial law was declared and the government crushed the decent. Tiananmen remains a reminder that political freedom is not allowed.
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1934: The Long March: Mao, 1930's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Bug battles, the power of hydrogen, the ice storm lab, taking a dive with a marine biologist, wearable technology, science in slow-motion? and much more.
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1999: 100 Years: An Overview, 1990's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1900: World Exhibition In Paris, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1901: Death Of Queen Victoria, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1903: The Wright Brothers, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1906: Earthquake In San Francisco, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1907: Rasputin And The Romanovs, 1900's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1909: Suffragette Demonstrations, 1900's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL.(2015) Rida: My Story About Women & Personal Freedoms At age 16, Rida chose to be part of mainstream contemporary life rather than adhere to her traditional Pakistani upbringing. Breaking away from the family she loved was not easy, but she has gone on to achieve success on her own and has even been invited back to Pakistan to speak to the media about women and personal freedoms. Rida is determined to continue to contribute to society's cultural understanding and advocate for greater freedoms for women.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Health, SEL. (2015) Makhala: My Story About Anorexia As a young teen, Makhala was depressed, anxious and dealing with anorexia. Hospitalized, she was told her life would likely end in 2 weeks without proper nourishment. But then an amazing thing happened. Instantly identifying with a fragile animal about to be put down she was gripped by a need to save it and in turn saved herself. Today she is inspired to help others avoid the downward spirals that nearly crushed her and speaks regularly to kids about depression and anxiety. She's also hoping to establish an equine-assisted therapy school.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Math. (2013) With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts such as counting, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in the series will familiarize students with a different aspect of math by using familiar living environments as its theme. At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson. Correlates to Math Common Core State Standards.
In Tampa Bay, marine biologist, Linda Holland, studies amphioxus, finding this simple animal with its novochord, clearly linked to human evolution. Her studies pinpoint the evolution of body form in amphioxus, chicks, and other animals with a backbone. She also explains how the duplication of genes enabled larger animals to evolve. The second segment recalls the evolutionary period dominated by fishes and the emergence of tetrapods on land. Paleontologist Jenny Clack, recalls how she discovered the transitional form. The segment also studies monitor lizards as examples of the development of tetrapods. The third segment relates amphioxus to the evolution of dinosaurs. In Montana, Kristi Curry-Rogers, a palentologist, explains why she believes dinosaurs grew large very quickly. The fourth segment explains how mammals evolved after the extinction of the dinosaurs. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science.In Hawaii, marine biologist, Gail Kaalialii, studies a variety of echinoderms explaining how echinodern symmetry and body design have enabled these brainless animals to survive and flouish. In the second segment, Don Wobber, a retired sculptor, shows his underwater films that capture sea stars' fight for dominance. Other close-up photography and computer animation demonstrate their hydraulically powered tube feet. A third segment films how sea stars attack mussels with these tube feet and externalize their stomachs to feed. The aggressive, twenty-armed Pycnopodia is filmed as it captures snails and other prey. A final segment follows paleontologist Andrew Smith as gathers fossil evidence that echinoderms evolved a sedimentary, plant-like life that resulted in the great diversity of echinoderms found today. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science.Scientists demonstrate how the struggle for survival drives evolution, introducing molluscs as animals that know the secrets of this competition to survive. Using the example of the abalone, introduces typical mollusk construction: the radula, shell, mantle and body design. Also films how abalones escape their predators by outrunning them, while cockles and moon snails use their foot to dig or remain firmly shut against their enemies. Biologist, Peter Ward, captures a chambered nautilus to demonstrate how evolution transformed a bottom feeder into a battleship-like warrior with spicules that increased its buoyancy. Also reveals how evolutionary features of the nervous system and body design of the squid propells it through the ocean and how the octopus developed a unique body design, camoflauge, and a large brain. For Teacher's Guides go to: