Asia's Monarchies are all unique, but there is one thing they all share in common - all are at a fascinating point in their various histories. In this five-part series we journey to the heart of these beautiful lands to understand the relationship between the people and their monarchs. To many, their monarchy is an anachronism, an institution that hampers progression. To others, it is the heart and soul of their nation, part of their shared history and a guard against the dangers of modernity. What does the future hold for these monarchies? What is clear is that Asia's monarchies are at a tipping-point and that what happens to each of them will bring about a whole new era that will affect not only the East but the whole world.
Brunei may be one of the richest nations in the world, but financial problems have beset even their royal house. The sultan has recently made moves towards some form of partial democracy. However, it is up to him whether or not he introduces it. Why did he make a move to do so, and then let it drop?
Explores the mythology, legends and history found in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2005) This 6-part series offers young learners a wonderful and fascinating look at the unique aspects of living in the heart of a bustling city, out in the burbs or in the wide-open spaces found in the country. Closely aligned to the Social Studies curriculum, viewers will also benefit from a cross-curriculum approach that includes important standards for the Language Arts & Science curriculums. When these key concepts are combined, My Neighborhood, My Community, offers children a comprehensive picture of today's great variety of modern living. Learning about key concepts of location, resource allocation, and physical development combined with adaptation and the natural world, will help children better visualize the significance of their neighborhoods & communities while experiencing the vast variety of lifestyles enjoyed by people from varied locations.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Explores the world of the Persian Empire. Opens with the city of Persepolis and its bas-reliefs portraying different nations. Describes the extent of the Persian Empire and the cuneiform inscriptions that were deciphered by Henry Rawlinson. Visits the ancient capital of Pasargadae. Introduces Cyrus the Great and the practice of ecumenism. Discusses the Persian religion that did not require the use of temples. Visits Susa, once a palatial city that grew in splendor under Darius I. Revisits Persepolis with its court palaces, inscriptions and bas-reliefs. Shows that archaeologists were able to identify each emperor involved with the site. Highlights the royal palace of Persepolis with the apadana, hall of the hundred columns, trypylon and bas-reliefs. Explains that Aramaic was used as the common language. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate the royal palace at Persepolis.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) In the conflict between Carthage and Rome, Hannibal decided to surprise the Romans with a land attack. He got elephants across the Rhone, went through the Alps, conquered Roman cities and reached the south of Rome. Addresses the cross pollinization of cultures that took place. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate what the buildings would have looked like in Rome. Describes the walls of Rome, Hannibal's retreat and Scipio Africanus' victory at Carthage. Details archaeologists' search for and success in finding a Punic settlement, "Hannibal's quarters" at the bottom of Bursa.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Explores ancient cities in Tripolitania located on Africa's north shore. Explains that three cities were founded by the Phoenicians to provide safe landing places for sailors. Shows the tomb at Sabratha that confirms the Phoenician presence and the Phoenician artifacts housed at the museum at Leptis Magna. Focuses on Leptis Magna, the first port. Details the changes that the Romans made. Shows the epigraph mentioning Annobal Tapapius Rufus and other places where the name Tapapius appears. Highlights the bazaar, amphitheater, problems with the port, the baths of Hadrian, arch of Septimius Severus and forum. Discusses the various architectural periods of the city. Explores the villas with their mosaics near Leptis Magna. Shows the theater at Sabratha. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate the temple and basilica at Leptis Magna.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Sicily, once a stopping place for the Phoenicians, became home to Greeks and at one time had more Greeks and Greek temples than Greece itself. Highlights the theater in Syracuse where Aeschylus' play "The Persians" opened. Visits the Villa del Casale and Villa Filosofiana both with typical Roman mosaics and Agrigento with its numerous temples possibly built by Theron's slaves. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate Syracuse's theater, the Temple of Concordia at Agrigento and the temples at Selinus.
Travels throughout Greece, describing the landscape, history and culture of this ancient country. Tours the city of Athens, exploring historical sites, Greek architecture, and Greek antiquities, including the Acropolis, Parthenon and Meteora Monasteries. Visits Hydra Island, Peloponnesus, and the ruins of the extinct city, Epidaurus. Travels to the ancient cities of Olympia and Corinth and features the art, theater, philosophy, and legends depicting Greek civilization.
Highlights the scenic landscape and natural history of the Aegean Islands. Travels to the islands of Cyclades, Mykonos, Lesbos, and Melos, exploring the history, geography and antiquities of these ancient Greek islands. Visits a number of historical sites that feature the architecture, ruins and fortifications of ancient Greek civilization. Features a hike through the Samaria Gorge and tours the restored Palace of Knossos, discussing the Greek gods and Greek mythology.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Nikos, a twelve-years-old boy in Athens, Greece. Joins Nikos as he rehearses on his clarino for a concert to be performed on his name day, which, in his country, is as important as a birthday.
The lands and islands of the Mediterranean played host to some the most extraordinary sieges in European history, including the island of Malta as well as the commercial superpower of the 16th century, Venice. The love/hate relationship between Christian Europe and the Ottoman Empire exploded into an all out war for control of the Mediterranean.
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1979: The Islamic Revolution: Khomeini's Return To Iran, 1970's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures (2002) Explains that little of ancient Egyptian cities survived even though there are many pyramids and temples. Discusses the importance of scribes and how knowledge of Egyptian cities is gained through their writings. Visits the remnants of Memphis, the first capital of the pharaohs. Describes the various activities, buildings, life styles and customs that existed at that time. Covers the invention of writing. Travels to Luxor, site of the ancient city of Thebes. Shows that ancient structures can still be found within the modern city. Features the temple of Amon. Explores Karnak, site of the complex dedicated to the gods Amon, Montu and Mut. Passes through Cairo with its Copt quarter, famous Christian church and and Emperor Trajan's fortress. Visits Alexandria, the last capital of Egypt and home to Cleopatra. Illustrates Memphis, the Temple of Amon (Thebes), the complex at Karnak and the Lighthouse of Pharos.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Features Cleopatra and various moments in her life. Explores Alexandria, the capital of the Egyptian empire during Cleopatra's time. Features what once was the Lighthouse of Pharos, a seven wonder. Reviews the seven wonders of the world. Uses the smaller lighthouse of Abu Sir as an example of what the lighthouse would have looked like. Follows Cleopatra, as she should have traveled up the Nile, passing the Pyramids of Giza, Dendera and its Temple of Hathor and the sanctuary at Philae. Details how the temples were moved from Philae to another island. Mentions Cleopatra's visit to Rome and the Roman interest in Egyptian architecture. Discusses the transportation of Egyptian obelisks, sculptures and the temple at Campus Martius to Rome. Concludes with the theory that the Esquiline Venus at the Capitoline Museum might be Cleopatra. Illustrates Alexandria, the Lighthouse of Pharos and the temple at Campus Martius.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2018) In this episode: Saving songbirds' songs, amazing meta-materials, mantis cam, Awesome con, winners of the Generation Nano competition, a shocking discovery about eels, theu Science of Speed, and much more!
From field grown to heirloom to hothouse to custom-engineered. Tomatoes are America's second-favorite vegetable (even though they're technically a fruit, a berry in fact) behind only King Potato. But American growers are under intense pressure from foreign competitors. How will they survive? We'll wrap up with a scientist who has developed a new tomato variety that might just provide that answer.
From tasty snack to superfood, berries have taken over the food world. We spend a day with Florida berry giant Gary Wishnatzki (Wish Farms) and company, and also visit the University of Florida to find out why ? and how -- berries have become such a big deal
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that soil is made of rocks and contains minerals that feed the roots of plants. Sandy, clay, and mixed soils are introduced. Children are also shown how compost biodegrades into soil. They also learn that some plants are air plants or grow on wooden frames. The activity is making a worm farm.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick is amazed that a tiny seed can grow into a large tree and that seeds can travel hundreds of miles before they find a place to land. Close-up photography shows seed germination, with roots and stem emerging from the seed. He also shows how to harvest tomato seeds for planting in the spring. Even watermelon seeds can grow under the proper conditions. Sprouts, he explains are actually whole plants that we eat as a garnish in sandwiches. He shows two young viewers how to grow sprouts from seeds.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that plants create green environments and that we need to keep our life-support system growing. Understanding what a plant needs helps us to preserve the green environment. Plants are solar powered and do their growing at night. Then chlorophyl turns sunlight into energy to keep our plants growing and give energy to us. Nick shows how celery absorbs water, and warns that we must all learn the conditions that plants need to grow. With his young visitors he plants wheat grass, provides the right environment, and watches the plants grow.
Audience: General; Subject: Schools. (2018) See two large garden programs of the Hawaii Department of Education. First, Waikiki Elementary School's Mindful School Garden. Started on Earth Day over10 years ago, the fruit trees and farm plants are still going strong with help from students, parents, and community. Second, Makaha Elementary School's partnership with neighboring farm Hoa 'Aina O Makaha. Interviews with school garden teachers and staff.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the diversity of the plant world and explains what makes a plant a plant. Identifies the early history and origins of plants and highlights the defining characteristics of non-vascular and vascular plants. Discusses bryophytes, spore-producing plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Science. (2012) Many of the things we eat and enjoy are grown in soil. This engaging program explores the soil and rocks importance of soil while taking a look at how soil is formed. Different types of soil and their characteristics are explored. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the process of photosynthesis, focusing on how the products of the process, glucose and oxygen, are vital to the survival of plants and animals. Examines the structure of leaves and their role in photosynthesis and illustrates different plant responses to certain stimuli beyond photosynthesis. Investigates different plant tropisms, including phototropism, gravitropism, and thigmotropism as well as seed structure and the process of germination. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the general characteristics of plants, examining the structures and functions of roots, stems, and leaves. Describes the vascular tissues of plants, which include xylem, cambium and phloem and illustrates the differences between annual, biennial, and perennial flowering plants. Describes how plant structures are useful sources of food-building materials and the role plant structures play in plant survival. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Describes how seedless and seed plants reproduce and examines the asexual and sexual forms of plant reproduction. Discusses the reproductive processes of bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms, outlining their reproductive structures. Illustrates seed fertilization and development and the process of germination. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject Areas: Science. (2011) This program explores the interesting and fun process of weighing common objects. Concepts and terminology: matter, mass, weight, scale, and metric system. For the teacher's guide go to:
Provides financial tips on how to manage money wisely. Teenagers speak candidly about their attitudes toward money and consumer spending. Financial experts discuss how to set financial goals, assess needs before wants, plan a budget, and stay in control of spending to avoid credit abuse.
Focuses on financial responsibility and credit card use. Explains the promotions used to target young adults and entice them into becoming credit card customers. Credit counselors discuss all aspects of credit card use, including how to establish consumer credit, understanding the fees involved, and payment of finance charges on outstanding debt. Outlines how to use credit in a responsible manner that leads to financial freedom and a good credit rating.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. (1999) Mark draws an iguana while demonstrating the Renaissance words bonus and density. At the Cleveland Museum of Art, he discusses Winslow Homer's painting, "Girls with Lobster." Animator Karen Johnson draws a space traveling iguana.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Fine Arts. (1999) Mark draws Einstein while demonstrating the Renaissance words contour and shading. At the Cincinnati Art Museum, he visits the sculpture "The Thinker" by August Rodin. Sculptor Fred Wilsom builds a mask.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Peggy Chun demonstrates watercolor techniques in painting a hibiscus.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Hiroki Morinoue teaches the use of texture through a project using tempera paint mixed with spackle. He paints shell designs on masonite boards to create texture tiles.
Audience: General; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Fine Arts. (2017) Following 9 Hawaii print artists as they prepare for an exhibition at The Ropewalk, UK. From The Ropewalk: I ka Piko: The center or source, connections and balance. "I ka Piko not only describes our cultural relationships but also the islands we come from, growing up from the middle of the vast oceanic floor of the Pacific. In "I ka Piko" nine Hawai'i print artists explore through their work what it means to a Kama'aina (child of this land) to be from this unique place. Featuring: Gina Bacon Kerr, Marissa Eshima, Kathy Merrill Kelley, Barbara Okamoto, Mary Philpotts McGrath, Doug Po'oloa Tolentino, David B. Smith, Nancy Vilhauer, and George Woollard
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Artists Carl Pao and Solomon Enos explore the world of Color in a painting project.(2014)
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Artists Carl Pao and Matt and Roxy Ortiz highlight Line and its representation in Art.(2014)
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Form is the most basic element in art. Artist Page Chang focuses on form to paint a self-portrait.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Guest artist Kim Duffet and host Page Chang discuss the use of space in art and demonstrate this concept through a clay sculpture project.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2018) In this episode: Saving songbirds' songs, amazing meta-materials, mantis cam, Awesome con, winners of the Generation Nano competition, a shocking discovery about eels, theu Science of Speed, and much more!
From field grown to heirloom to hothouse to custom-engineered. Tomatoes are America's second-favorite vegetable (even though they're technically a fruit, a berry in fact) behind only King Potato. But American growers are under intense pressure from foreign competitors. How will they survive? We'll wrap up with a scientist who has developed a new tomato variety that might just provide that answer.
From tasty snack to superfood, berries have taken over the food world. We spend a day with Florida berry giant Gary Wishnatzki (Wish Farms) and company, and also visit the University of Florida to find out why ? and how -- berries have become such a big deal
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that soil is made of rocks and contains minerals that feed the roots of plants. Sandy, clay, and mixed soils are introduced. Children are also shown how compost biodegrades into soil. They also learn that some plants are air plants or grow on wooden frames. The activity is making a worm farm.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick is amazed that a tiny seed can grow into a large tree and that seeds can travel hundreds of miles before they find a place to land. Close-up photography shows seed germination, with roots and stem emerging from the seed. He also shows how to harvest tomato seeds for planting in the spring. Even watermelon seeds can grow under the proper conditions. Sprouts, he explains are actually whole plants that we eat as a garnish in sandwiches. He shows two young viewers how to grow sprouts from seeds.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick explains that plants create green environments and that we need to keep our life-support system growing. Understanding what a plant needs helps us to preserve the green environment. Plants are solar powered and do their growing at night. Then chlorophyl turns sunlight into energy to keep our plants growing and give energy to us. Nick shows how celery absorbs water, and warns that we must all learn the conditions that plants need to grow. With his young visitors he plants wheat grass, provides the right environment, and watches the plants grow.
Audience: General; Subject: Schools. (2018) See two large garden programs of the Hawaii Department of Education. First, Waikiki Elementary School's Mindful School Garden. Started on Earth Day over10 years ago, the fruit trees and farm plants are still going strong with help from students, parents, and community. Second, Makaha Elementary School's partnership with neighboring farm Hoa 'Aina O Makaha. Interviews with school garden teachers and staff.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the diversity of the plant world and explains what makes a plant a plant. Identifies the early history and origins of plants and highlights the defining characteristics of non-vascular and vascular plants. Discusses bryophytes, spore-producing plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Science. (2012) Many of the things we eat and enjoy are grown in soil. This engaging program explores the soil and rocks importance of soil while taking a look at how soil is formed. Different types of soil and their characteristics are explored. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the process of photosynthesis, focusing on how the products of the process, glucose and oxygen, are vital to the survival of plants and animals. Examines the structure of leaves and their role in photosynthesis and illustrates different plant responses to certain stimuli beyond photosynthesis. Investigates different plant tropisms, including phototropism, gravitropism, and thigmotropism as well as seed structure and the process of germination. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Explores the general characteristics of plants, examining the structures and functions of roots, stems, and leaves. Describes the vascular tissues of plants, which include xylem, cambium and phloem and illustrates the differences between annual, biennial, and perennial flowering plants. Describes how plant structures are useful sources of food-building materials and the role plant structures play in plant survival. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2000) Describes how seedless and seed plants reproduce and examines the asexual and sexual forms of plant reproduction. Discusses the reproductive processes of bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms, outlining their reproductive structures. Illustrates seed fertilization and development and the process of germination. Includes a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to: