Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. K`hau, a young Menehune boy, and his best friend, a little `elepaio bird, discover that a group of men has been killing the birds of the Kaua`i rainforest in order to harvest their feathers faster. K`hau and `Elepaio seek out the Menehune Chief and his warriors to help save their friends and find a way to change the habits of these men or risk losing the beautiful birds forever.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Why Maui Snares the Sun Long ago, Kala (the sun) raced across the sky as he pleased, leaving the land and its people with short days and long, dark nights. Among those suffering from the lack of daylight was the goddess Hina, mother of Maui, the demigod. In order to make things pono (right), Maui summons all his courage and travels to the highest summit of Haleakala where he confronts the Mighty Kala.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Pele, the primal force of volcanic heat and lava, leaves her ancient home of Kahiki and searches out a new home for herself and her family. As she travels down the Hawaiian island chain, she is pursued by and battles her eldest sister Namaka, the goddess of water and the sea. After a climactic battle on the island of Maui, she finally finds refuge in Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawai'i.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: World Language. What does a small isolated island in the Pacific have to teach the rest of the world? Te Pito O Te Henua: Rapa Nui tells the story of Rapa Nui. It explores the close ties between the Rapa Nui people and the people of Hawaii and how the Polynesian Voyaging Canoe Hokulea played a part in re-establishing the link between these two grand cultures. What can we learn from Rapa Nuis history and its present state? How does Rapa Nui effect how we view ourselves and how we treat our earth? Many lessons are learned in this documentary.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Hawaiian Studies, Social Studies. Documentary on Marshallese Canoes by Rachel Miller with support from the Hawaii Council for the Humanities
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. Artists Carl Pao and Matt and Roxy Ortiz highlight Line and its representation in Art.(2014)
The average college student will graduate with over $35,000 in debt, and some with thousands more. Faced with such a heavy burden some kids are opting not to go to college. This episode looks at college from a return-on-investment perspective. Which degrees pay for themselves and which don't. When does it make sense NOT to go to college? And how to get creative to achieve your college dreams without ending up with a lifetime of payments.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Qos and Igis are unable to have a child, so Frog tells Igis to visit Dzunakwa, an old witch who lives deep in the forest. Dzunakwa agrees to help her, and tells Igis to mix her tears together with a handful of dirt to form the shape of a little child. Dzunakwa brings it to life, and little Klundux is born! But will the children of the village accept this little child made of tears, and what terrible price shall be paid for Dzunakwa?s help?
The people of the village have been kept awake from the howling of the wolves, so they decide to send a party into the woods to flush them out. During the hunt, Wina becomes separated from the others in a sudden storm but he is rescued by a pair of mysterious strangers who nurse him back to health. After the storm, he reappears in the village and tells the stunned villagers about his new friends.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) An 8 year old boy is learning how to play the taiko drum.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Tagun, an 11-year-old Korean boy who plays a bamboo flute known as the Tanso. His parents are worried about him because he invests so much time in his favorite instrument that he neglects his homework and his sister.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) A 6 year old South Korean boy sings the Pansori, which is like an opera. He shares what is involved in preparation and rehearsal.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Wirag learns to play his xylophone by ear, without a musical score. While practicing in front of a Buddhist temple, he is invited by a monk to play on a magnificent xylophone.
Audience: General; Grades: All; Subject Areas: Music.Ancient Hawaii musical instruments - its history, culture and ties to the people.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. These women come from varied ethnic backgrounds and have all worked hard to contribute to the growing presence of a literary community in Hawai'i. Many of them are dedicated teachers who have mentored others to become writers, and many of them also enjoy a national reputation. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. Caroline Sinavaiana is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Hawai?i at Manoa, where she teaches Oceanic/Pacific and Comparative Ethnic Literatures, and Creative Writing. Author of two collections of poetry, Alchemies of Distance and Mohawk/Samoa: Transmigrations (with James Thomas Stevens), her poetry and scholarship appear in national and international journals.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: World Language. What does a small isolated island in the Pacific have to teach the rest of the world? Te Pito O Te Henua: Rapa Nui tells the story of Rapa Nui. It explores the close ties between the Rapa Nui people and the people of Hawaii and how the Polynesian Voyaging Canoe Hokulea played a part in re-establishing the link between these two grand cultures. What can we learn from Rapa Nuis history and its present state? How does Rapa Nui effect how we view ourselves and how we treat our earth? Many lessons are learned in this documentary.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil and the Ocean Vet team mark the end of a 7 year study on Bermuda's tiger sharks by embarking on a dangerous mission to satellite tag one of these giant oceanic predators in a mind boggling and death defying sequence of interactions. The completed mission will help save and protect this incredible shark species.
Audience: General; Subject Areas: Science. (2017) Neil deploys his veterinary skills to help save Bermuda's Green sea turtles and assist with groundbreaking scientific research on their health and populations. Follow the team as they capture and release wild green sea turtles in a bid to study their health and populations before fitting a satellite tag to a mature specimen that will collect vital data on it's oceanic migrations. Neil also works with Bermuda's turtle stranding network, assisting with the diagnoses, treatment and re-release of an injured green sea turtle washed up on one of Bermuda?s many beautiful beaches.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2015) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kawamoto Orchid Nursery located in Palolo Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information visit:
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Video about the "Dirt" Show at the Museum of Art (2014)
Grades: All; Subject areas: Fine Arts. (2006) This documentary highlights several of Hawai`i's most prominent artists. Each 25-minute segment features two artists who work in the same medium. They share their views and philosophy, and discuss technique and style.
General Audience; Subject Areas: Local history and culture. (2017) In this documentary Hawaiian historian, John Clark, takes you on a Ka'ahele Ma Waikiki, a tour of Waikiki, and shares its surfing history. He talks about the ali'i who lived there and loved its waves, the Hawaiian place names of its shoreline areas and surf spots and the styles of traditional Hawaiian surfing that were practiced there. Ka'ahele Ma Waikiki offers a truly unique look at one of the most beloved places in Hawaii.
The Art Bento Program at the Hawai?i State Art Museum (HiSAM) is a museum education program of the Hawai?i State Art Museum serving Oahu Department of Education elementary students, Grades 2 ? 6, and their teachers. This four-part inquiry-based program actively engages students and teachers through activities connected to current arts standards and ELA Common Core Standards. This unique multi-disciplinary educational opportunity emphasizes arts and visual literacy and is led by qualified teaching artists from the Hawai?i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) roster. There is no cost to schools to participate in the program and funds for bus transportation are also provided.
Asia's Monarchies are all unique, but there is one thing they all share in common - all are at a fascinating point in their various histories. In this five-part series we journey to the heart of these beautiful lands to understand the relationship between the people and their monarchs. To many, their monarchy is an anachronism, an institution that hampers progression. To others, it is the heart and soul of their nation, part of their shared history and a guard against the dangers of modernity. What does the future hold for these monarchies? What is clear is that Asia's monarchies are at a tipping-point and that what happens to each of them will bring about a whole new era that will affect not only the East but the whole world.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Qos and Igis are unable to have a child, so Frog tells Igis to visit Dzunakwa, an old witch who lives deep in the forest. Dzunakwa agrees to help her, and tells Igis to mix her tears together with a handful of dirt to form the shape of a little child. Dzunakwa brings it to life, and little Klundux is born! But will the children of the village accept this little child made of tears, and what terrible price shall be paid for Dzunakwa?s help?
The people of the village have been kept awake from the howling of the wolves, so they decide to send a party into the woods to flush them out. During the hunt, Wina becomes separated from the others in a sudden storm but he is rescued by a pair of mysterious strangers who nurse him back to health. After the storm, he reappears in the village and tells the stunned villagers about his new friends.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject: World Cultures. (2014) From some of the most remote locations in the world the appealing photography of wide eyed children just being kids will quickly engage audience attention. These close-up programs are so captivating and the children so innocent that experiencing their unique lifestyles will have lasting effect. These children, like children everywhere, live their lives with the sweet innocence of youth combined with hopeful dreams for the future.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Chinese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the early Honolulu Harbor and Chinatown fires. Interviews include the Chinese Lion Dance Association, Dr. Franklin Ng (professor at California State University at Fresno Department of Ethnic Studies), and James G.Y. Ho (Hawaiian Chinese Multicultural Museum & Archives).
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: Social Studies. (2013) Culture series on what makes Hawaii's local "mixing bowl" of ethnic backgrounds. From the arrivals of the first immigrants to today's social and cultural organizations and associations. This episode on Japanese Americans in Hawaii features archival footage of the Issei (first generation) plantation workers as well as Nissei (second generation) war heroes of the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry. Interviews include the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Dr. Jonathan Okamura (author of The Japanese American Contemporary Experience in Hawai'i) and Dennis Ogawa (author of Jan Ken Po: The World of Hawaii's Japanese Americans).
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) An 8 year old boy is learning how to play the taiko drum.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Tagun, an 11-year-old Korean boy who plays a bamboo flute known as the Tanso. His parents are worried about him because he invests so much time in his favorite instrument that he neglects his homework and his sister.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) A 6 year old South Korean boy sings the Pansori, which is like an opera. He shares what is involved in preparation and rehearsal.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Wirag learns to play his xylophone by ear, without a musical score. While practicing in front of a Buddhist temple, he is invited by a monk to play on a magnificent xylophone.
Audience: General; Grades: All; Subject Areas: Music.Ancient Hawaii musical instruments - its history, culture and ties to the people.
Grades: 9-12; Language Arts. This series features six island women who are distinguished poets in our community: Kathy Song, Juliet Kono, Carolyn Sinavaiana, Mahealani Perez-Wendt, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Amalia Bueno. These women come from varied ethnic backgrounds and have all worked hard to contribute to the growing presence of a literary community in Hawai'i. Many of them are dedicated teachers who have mentored others to become writers, and many of them also enjoy a national reputation. Each segment features one poet speaking about their lives and work, and sharing several of their poems on camera. Caroline Sinavaiana is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Hawai?i at Manoa, where she teaches Oceanic/Pacific and Comparative Ethnic Literatures, and Creative Writing. Author of two collections of poetry, Alchemies of Distance and Mohawk/Samoa: Transmigrations (with James Thomas Stevens), her poetry and scholarship appear in national and international journals.