Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. K`hau, a young Menehune boy, and his best friend, a little `elepaio bird, discover that a group of men has been killing the birds of the Kaua`i rainforest in order to harvest their feathers faster. K`hau and `Elepaio seek out the Menehune Chief and his warriors to help save their friends and find a way to change the habits of these men or risk losing the beautiful birds forever.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Why Maui Snares the Sun Long ago, Kala (the sun) raced across the sky as he pleased, leaving the land and its people with short days and long, dark nights. Among those suffering from the lack of daylight was the goddess Hina, mother of Maui, the demigod. In order to make things pono (right), Maui summons all his courage and travels to the highest summit of Haleakala where he confronts the Mighty Kala.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Pele, the primal force of volcanic heat and lava, leaves her ancient home of Kahiki and searches out a new home for herself and her family. As she travels down the Hawaiian island chain, she is pursued by and battles her eldest sister Namaka, the goddess of water and the sea. After a climactic battle on the island of Maui, she finally finds refuge in Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawai'i.
Over 1,000 years ago, the scattered islands of Polynesia were settled by an ancient seafaring people. Where did they come from? How did they navigate across the vast Pacific Ocean to settle one-third of Earth's surface? To find out, anthropologist Sam Low visited the tiny coral atoll of Satawal, in Micronesia's remote Caroline Islands, to film Mau Piailug as he guides his canoe by using subtle signs in the waves, winds and stars. In his lofty canoe house he teaches the intricacies of this ancient sea science in a ceremony called "unfolding the mat" by arranging 32 lumps of coral to represent the points of his "star compass." Restored and Remastered: 2013 Original Release: 1983
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) This program features the fascinating history of Lana'i island from its early geology to the end of the 19th century. Included are the first settlement of the island by Polynesians with some traditional stories; Western contact and the resulting sociological and ecological changes; Protestant missions and Mormon settlement; land ownership consolidation under Walter Murray Gibson and the beginning of the island?s sheep industry.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies. (2017) This program will continue to cover the unique history of Lana'i island from the end of the 19th century to present day. Included are: the further consolidation of land ownership, the transition from sugar to cattle ranching; the establishment of the pineapple industry on Lana'i and the immigration of workers; the change from an agricultural based economy to tourism; the establishment of the Lana'i Heritage and Cultural Center.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2017) The island of Lana'i is moving toward building a sustainable island community. This video features the elements of natural and cultural resources and how these will guide water use, the development of renewable energy, a stable economy, education, housing, and health. Interviewed are those key individuals dedicated to guiding and building a sustainable island community on Lana'i.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) An embroidery and fabric artist tells a Russian folk tale about the misfortunate Irina whose stepmother makes her take the cows out to pasture on a cold, cold day. Irina is so sad and lonely she soon starts talking to a brown cow. She is telling the cow about her fears and worries when all of a sudden, the brown cow opens one of its big ears and invites the girl to step inside. Without a second thought, Irina lets herself be sucked to safety within the cow's ear. Eventually Irina is saved by the cow and finds her true love.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) Hidden in the back of Manoa Valley, the Lyon Arboretum is a historic site that serves as a botanical garden, an educational institution, and a research facility. The documentary tells the history of the arboretum and the vital role it played in preserving our watershed. The many present-day activities of the arboretum are also featured including its work in preserving and exhibiting Native Hawaiian and exotic plants, its role as an educational institution and its role as a research facility.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) This documentary covers the activities of the Hawaiian Rare Plant Program at the Lyon Arboretum, a program that seeks to propagate and preserve the most endangered plant species in our islands. The documentary explores the program's three main components: a seed bank, a micro-propagation laboratory, and its greenhouse facilities. The processes of seed storage and micro-propagation are explained, and several rarely seen endangered plants are featured.
Audience: General; Subject: Local business. (2017) Go behind the scenes of Kahuku Farms in this episode of GROW. Interviews with Kahuku Farms operators Kylie Matsuda-Lum and Judah Lum. See how local Hawaii farms have to work with federal, state, and county offices while providing goods and services. Also, find out more about Hawaii's local agriculture sector from interviews with Hawaii's Department of Agriculture's Scott Enright and University of Hawaii's Steven Chiang from the Agribusiness Incubator Program and GoFarm Hawaii.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
In 2008, Nepal's monarchy was ousted from power, turfed out of their palaces, and the country began a new era as a republic. The story of the fall of the house of Shah is one of bloodshed, betrayal and intrigue. The transformation from kingdom to republic was swift, dramatic, and leaves huge questions unanswered about the future.
Audience: General; Subject: Local businesses. (2015) Series on Hawaii's local businesses. This program is about Kamiya Papaya Farm, located in Hauula, Windward Oahu, Hawaii. Kamiya papayas are sold across supermarkets on Oahu.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Monitoring water quality, wearable electronics, unraveling the brain, self-driving cars, snake robots, the little shop of physics, the science of speed, and much more!
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1947: The Fight For Jerusalem, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1948: Aid Shipments For Berlin, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1949: The Founding Of The East And West German States, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1951: The Comeback Of A Legend: Churchill's Last Battle, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: On The Top: The First Ascent Of Mount Everest, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: Queen Elizabeth II, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: Stones Against Tanks & Upheaval In East Germany, 1950's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Explores the world of the Persian Empire. Opens with the city of Persepolis and its bas-reliefs portraying different nations. Describes the extent of the Persian Empire and the cuneiform inscriptions that were deciphered by Henry Rawlinson. Visits the ancient capital of Pasargadae. Introduces Cyrus the Great and the practice of ecumenism. Discusses the Persian religion that did not require the use of temples. Visits Susa, once a palatial city that grew in splendor under Darius I. Revisits Persepolis with its court palaces, inscriptions and bas-reliefs. Shows that archaeologists were able to identify each emperor involved with the site. Highlights the royal palace of Persepolis with the apadana, hall of the hundred columns, trypylon and bas-reliefs. Explains that Aramaic was used as the common language. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate the royal palace at Persepolis.
Travels throughout Great Britain, highlighting the tourist sites located in London. Visits Wales, Bishop's Palace, Gower Peninsula, Carreg Cennen, Caerphilly, and the city of Cardiff. Travels to Bristol, Bath, Stonehenge, Wells and Glastonbury. Captures the scenic landscape of the cliffs of Cornwell, St. Ives and Land's End. Explores Welsh and Celtic cultures and architecture. Discusses nationalism, the history of the Norman Invasion, and the works of Dylan Thomas.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Amie, a young English Spice Girls fan. Follows Amie, her older sister Samantha and their friend Melany as they record tracks in a studio in pursuit of their dream of becoming pop stars.
Explores the mythology, legends and history found in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Kate explains that she is not yet sure whether she wants to be a musician, a conductor or a composer, but for the moment, she is quite content learning to play the flute, the clarinet and xylophone with her teacher, Mr. Timms.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject: Science. (2005) Considers the scientific theories relating to the origin of the solar system, focusing specifically on how the Earth was formed. Combines live action and animation to illustrate the conditions that led to the development of life on earth. Discusses the climatic and atmospheric changes that occurred over time. Also introduces the concept of evolution by identifying the structure of unicellular organisms and illustrating the development of multicellular life forms. Concludes with a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject: Science. (2005) Introduces the Earth's geological timeline and identifies the life forms that existed during these prehistoric periods. Explains the concept of plate tectonics, illustrating how shifting plates led to the Earth's changing surface through the formation of landforms. Highlights the significant changes that occurred during these geologic periods, exploring the evolution of cells and the life forms that existed during each era and introducing the concept of extinction biology. Concludes with a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-8; Subject: Science. (2005) Highlights the scientific evidence that supports Darwin's theory of evolution. Examines how living things change over time and reviews the theory of natural selection, which provides the foundation for evolutionary theory. Explains how fossil research, anatomical evidence, embryology, and radioactive dating support the evolution of life. Also examines how DNA research provides additional biological evidence of how life on Earth evolved. Program concludes with a ten-question video quiz. For the teacher's guide go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Science. (2013) Explore the history of life from its humble beginnings as single-celled organisms, to its great blossoming and proliferation, which took place over the course of eons. With the help of state of the art computer graphics, the world's foremost paleontologists and biologists help unravel the greatest mysteries of life. Plants, Earth's Quiet Rulers Plants, the oldest form of life on earth hold many mysteries. While plants are often thought of as passive, we will see how many species have adopted aggressive strategies that have allowed for their survival. It is these "quiet rulers" of earth that are not only the foundation of the global ecology, but also the spring from which all life flows.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Science. (2013) Explore the history of life from its humble beginnings as single-celled organisms, to its great blossoming and proliferation, which took place over the course of eons. With the help of state of the art computer graphics, the world's foremost paleontologists and biologists help unravel the greatest mysteries of life. The Landing Life, which first inhabited the seas and then land, is an amazing story. Through investigation of ancient trailblazers such as Tiktaalik, we learn the gradual process by which lungs and legs evolved, and how the creatures of the seas eventually conquered the land. Reverse evolution, from land to sea, is also presented.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science In Indonesia, introduces the story of animal origins by filming underwater explorations made by taxonomist,Christina Diaz. Ms. Diaz classifies some of the 9,000 species of sponge finding in them, vibrant animals who embody the first principles of life and living things. Focusing on cell-to cell communication, she demonstrates how sponges perform the work performed by organs in higher animals and shows how collagen supports sponge structure. She also explains how spicules define the species of sponge and how sponges obtain their food. Computer animation demonstrates how sponges feed and reproduce themselves. Moving to the Woods Hole Biological Laboratory, interviews Mitchell Sogin, an evolutionary biologist, whose experiments in gene sequencing have demonstrated that sponges are at the base of the animal kingdom. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science. (2003) Biologist John "Jack" Costello explains how cnidarians, the first tentacled animals, were also the first to develop nerves and muscles that allowed them to move, find food, and protect themselves from enemies. Close-up photography of sea aenmones and corals reveal complex behaviors that might be expected of higher level animals. Costello also reviews his studies of jellyfish movement that enabled this cnidarian to become a predatory killer. In Monterey Bay, marine biologist, Bruce Robison travels in an underwater capsule called an R-O-V to discover a new species of giant jellyfish. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Science. (2003) Paleontologist, Whitney Hagadorn, presents the fossil evidence that 565 million years ago, flatworms were the first animals to be able to move under their own direction and to develop bilateral symmetry. Examines the flatworm's central nervous system, eyes, sense organs and its muscular organization. Explains how these evolutionary traits enabled animals to become hunters. Also examines the anatomy of the flatworm, and the reproductive capacity of the tapeworm. Follows Leslie Newman's discovery of many new species of flatworms in the Great Barrier Reef. Also films these flatworms' reproductive battle. Expands our understanding of this stage of evolution by demonstrating how hox genes determine inherited traits in fruitflies as they do in flatworms. For Teacher's Guides go to:
(2003) Visits paleontologist, Des Collins, at the Royal Ontario Museum to trace the development of animals that lived 5 million years ago and ultimately became extinct. Des introduces the fossils of anomalocaris found in the Burgess Shale. Computer animation recreates life before the Cambrian explosion when anomalocaris and other predatory animals roamed the world's oceans. An evolutionary biologist at the museum explains how he advises staff who recreate models of prehistoric animals for the Museum. Computer animation is used to recall the evolutionary stages represented by sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms, a genetic diversity that was preparation for the Cambrian explosion. The biologist explains that the 35 body plans that exist in the world today, suddenly became evident in the Cambrian period to provide a legacy for all animals in existence today. For Teacher's Guides go to:
Pacific Clues visits different archeological sites and clues found on varying islands. The series looks at how these clues help us to unlock the mysteries of the early inhabitants and cultures of the islands.
Pacific Clues visits different archeological sites and clues found on varying islands. The series looks at how these clues help us to unlock the mysteries of the early inhabitants and cultures of the islands.
Audience: All; Subject Areas: Schools. (2019) Numerous DOE schools are named after or attached to Hawaiian Ali'i. What is the story about how and why this happened? What is the connection between the school and the ali'i today? Let's start with learning about Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Ke'elikokani and Central Intermediate School on O'ahu.
At 'Iolani Palace in Honolulu you step back into Hawai'i's royal past, relive the story of Hawai'i's kings and queens, and explore the palace King Kalakaua built in 1882.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject: Social Studies. Why Maui Snares the Sun Long ago, Kala (the sun) raced across the sky as he pleased, leaving the land and its people with short days and long, dark nights. Among those suffering from the lack of daylight was the goddess Hina, mother of Maui, the demigod. In order to make things pono (right), Maui summons all his courage and travels to the highest summit of Haleakala where he confronts the Mighty Kala.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick is amazed that a tiny seed can grow into a large tree and that seeds can travel hundreds of miles before they find a place to land. Close-up photography shows seed germination, with roots and stem emerging from the seed. He also shows how to harvest tomato seeds for planting in the spring. Even watermelon seeds can grow under the proper conditions. Sprouts, he explains are actually whole plants that we eat as a garnish in sandwiches. He shows two young viewers how to grow sprouts from seeds.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) In this episode: Monitoring water quality, wearable electronics, unraveling the brain, self-driving cars, snake robots, the little shop of physics, the science of speed, and much more!
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1947: The Fight For Jerusalem, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1948: Aid Shipments For Berlin, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1949: The Founding Of The East And West German States, 1940's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1951: The Comeback Of A Legend: Churchill's Last Battle, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: On The Top: The First Ascent Of Mount Everest, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: Queen Elizabeth II, 1950's (2010)
Audience: General, Grades 4-12. Subjects: Social Studies. 1953: Stones Against Tanks & Upheaval In East Germany, 1950's (2010)
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject Areas: History, Cultures. (2002) Explores the world of the Persian Empire. Opens with the city of Persepolis and its bas-reliefs portraying different nations. Describes the extent of the Persian Empire and the cuneiform inscriptions that were deciphered by Henry Rawlinson. Visits the ancient capital of Pasargadae. Introduces Cyrus the Great and the practice of ecumenism. Discusses the Persian religion that did not require the use of temples. Visits Susa, once a palatial city that grew in splendor under Darius I. Revisits Persepolis with its court palaces, inscriptions and bas-reliefs. Shows that archaeologists were able to identify each emperor involved with the site. Highlights the royal palace of Persepolis with the apadana, hall of the hundred columns, trypylon and bas-reliefs. Explains that Aramaic was used as the common language. Uses three dimensional graphics to illustrate the royal palace at Persepolis.
Travels throughout Great Britain, highlighting the tourist sites located in London. Visits Wales, Bishop's Palace, Gower Peninsula, Carreg Cennen, Caerphilly, and the city of Cardiff. Travels to Bristol, Bath, Stonehenge, Wells and Glastonbury. Captures the scenic landscape of the cliffs of Cornwell, St. Ives and Land's End. Explores Welsh and Celtic cultures and architecture. Discusses nationalism, the history of the Norman Invasion, and the works of Dylan Thomas.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Introduces Amie, a young English Spice Girls fan. Follows Amie, her older sister Samantha and their friend Melany as they record tracks in a studio in pursuit of their dream of becoming pop stars.
Explores the mythology, legends and history found in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-8; Subject: Music. (1998) Ten-year-old Kate explains that she is not yet sure whether she wants to be a musician, a conductor or a composer, but for the moment, she is quite content learning to play the flute, the clarinet and xylophone with her teacher, Mr. Timms.