First hand accounts show how governments, industries, and people worldwide are developing bio fuels. Part 1: At the Norfolk Race track films a racing car fueled by detropha, an inedible oil from a plant grown in India and Africa. Part 2: In Uganda, shows that palm oil is being used for biomass energy at the cost of deforestation. In the Solomon Islands coconut fuel is being used as a substitute for diesel. Part 3: In London, hemp, potatoes and cashew nuts have been used to create a biodegradable racing car. Part 4: In Mumbai, India, ferries are becoming environmentally friendly by using bio-diesel and recycling wastes collected on the boats. Part 5: In Argentina a bio-diesel processing plant uses soybeans. Part 6: In Israel, cow manure from dairy farms is being used to generate electricity. Part 7: From Alaska to Argentina, follows the trip of adventurers who fueled their truck on used vegetable oils.
First hand accounts show how individuals, government and industry are recycling waste into green products. Part 1: In Sicily a town has replaced garbage trucks with donkeys carrying recycling bins. Part 2: In the United Kingdom, Recycler the Robot teaches children about recycling waste. Government organizations are also interested in a factory that recycles plastics into a high-density board that can be used just like wood. Part 3: In Manila's Smoky Mountain, a garbage dump, scavengers have formed a co-op to make their lving by fashioning newspapers into handbags. In the United States, waste computers are kept out of landfills by E-waste recycling plants. Part 5: Films the action in Rome, when trash sculptors exhibited sculptures created from garbage. Part 6: In Cambodia, Green Matters films fashions made out of waste products. Part 6: In Taiwan, a recycling plant takes waste home appliances, discarded bicycles and old furniture. Part 7: Students display art made from discarded products.
First hand accounts show how individuals, government and industry are attempting to control pollution. Part 1: observes Paris' campaign for citizens to use bicycles. Part 2: Surveys China's efforts to clean-up pollution in Beijing. Part 3: shows how the pollution of the white marble of the Taj Mahal has spearheaded efforts to provide clean air in Agra, India. Part 4: In the Galapagos Islands tourism may harm the delicate ecology of this unique habitat. Part 5: China's Yangtze River is heavily polluted and endangering the health of millions of people. Part 6: Introduces the Vectrix super scooter, an electric vehicle that has no carbon emissions. Part 7: Explains that out of date pescription drugs are polluting water supplies in the United States. Part 8: In Southern China, people are making a living by extracting valuable metals from waste products. The toxic chemicals, however, are harmful to Chinese workers.
First hand accounts show how individuals are choosing a more environmentally friendly approach to life. Part 1: In New York City a travelling greenhouse barge will encourage New Yorkers to grown vegetable gardens on their rooftops. Part 2: Welsh sheep are allowing a small industry to provide organic mattresses that is also fireproof. Part 3: Visits the Royal Horticulture greenhouse to observe exotic plants and the educational programs provided for children and adults. Part 4: In the Philippines waste is being controlling by reusable packaging and baskets made from native plants. Part 5: in the Green Shop, people in the United Kingdom can purchase environmentally friendly products. Part 6: In Brooklyn, a writer has created a farm in his urban back yard. Part 7: In Chile, human and industrial wastes are purified by earthworms. Part 8: In Devon, England, a wedding in a fairytale setting is environmentally friendly.
Teacher Greg Harding of Waimea H.S. on Kauai instills in his students aloha aina, the love of the land; take care of the land, and the land will take care of you. With the support of Principal Mahina Anguay, Mr. Harding, a natural resource teacher, and his students created Aloha Garden & Farm on the campus of Waimea H.S. It is here where students learn the principles and actions of farming and sustainability and make the practice of aloha aina a reality.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2006) One of the worst natural disasters in history happened in December of 2004. It was a tsunami. A massive wall of water crashed on to the shore in Indonesia. It smashed into villages and swept away almost everything in its path. But a tsunami is just another sign that Mother Nature is continuing her natural process of change. Fortunately for us, dangerous tsunamis are also extremely rare.
Audience: General; Grades: K-12; Subject Areas: Science. The video briefly recounts the eruptive history of Halema'uma'u and describes the formation and continued growth of the current summit vent and lava lake. It features USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists sharing their insights on the summit eruption: how they monitor the lava lake, how and why the lake level rises and falls, why explosive events occur, the connection between Kilauea's ongoing summit and East Rift Zone eruptions, and the impacts of the summit eruption on the Island of Hawai'i and beyond.
A major part of cooking involves delivering heat energy to natural things and transforming them to the state where they can be digested and absorbed. This technique does not stop at simply making food taste good. Professor Wrangham of Harvard University says the ability to produce food through heat is what helped humans evolve.
"Power" is about how to change ingredients using physical force. In terms of preserving, texture, convenience, and nutrient intake, this revolutionary cooking method provided the foundation for cultural development
This episode covers the five taste receptors which are sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour. "Why is sugar sweet?" is the wrong question. "Why does sugar taste sweet to us?" is the right question. Taste doesn't exist in things. It is something our brains create. It is a type of antenna that mankind has developed for survival. It is the ability to consume nutrients and avoid poison.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) What's next in wearable health devices, new research in Parkinson's Disease, science in society, using microbes to generate electricity, a phone app for floods...and much more.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) Hidden in the back of Manoa Valley, the Lyon Arboretum is a historic site that serves as a botanical garden, an educational institution, and a research facility. The documentary tells the history of the arboretum and the vital role it played in preserving our watershed. The many present-day activities of the arboretum are also featured including its work in preserving and exhibiting Native Hawaiian and exotic plants, its role as an educational institution and its role as a research facility.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) This documentary covers the activities of the Hawaiian Rare Plant Program at the Lyon Arboretum, a program that seeks to propagate and preserve the most endangered plant species in our islands. The documentary explores the program's three main components: a seed bank, a micro-propagation laboratory, and its greenhouse facilities. The processes of seed storage and micro-propagation are explained, and several rarely seen endangered plants are featured.
Have you ever wondered how we're going to grow food on the moon? Or Mars? Or just find ways to reduce food miles and food waste here at home? All while producing more food with less land, less water and closer to the communities where we live and work? High-tech greenhouses are looking like the answer. Just a few acres of greenhouse space can produce more food than an entire conventional farm, with a fraction of the water and other inputs. We visited Red Sun Farm's Dublin, VA showcase to take a look at where farming is heading next.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick begins by pulling carrots from a garden, then picks other vegetables from garden plots, These include potatoes, corn, pumpkins, cabbage, and cauliflower picked according to the season. He demonstrates how to plant vegetable seeds, lettuce seedlings, and others that end up in large vegetables. He shows how we use stem, leaves and roots in a variety of vegetables, and demonstrates how to grow vegetables in a vegetable box. He also stresses the need to watch for veggie pests and to use organic fertilizers to get rid of them.
This episode covers the five taste receptors which are sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour. "Why is sugar sweet?" is the wrong question. "Why does sugar taste sweet to us?" is the right question. Taste doesn't exist in things. It is something our brains create. It is a type of antenna that mankind has developed for survival. It is the ability to consume nutrients and avoid poison.
Fermentation is an advanced cooking method of using microorganisms' life activities to cook food, and it can synthesize new components and remove toxicity from food. But because it uses microorganisms, it is a unique cooking method that causes both aversion and preference.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Language Arts, Fine Arts. (2007) Using construction paper cutouts, an artist illustrates the story of Tiny Tom. Tiny Tom, who was as tiny as a grain of rice, always sang to avoid being stepped on. One day he begged his mother to let him go out alone and take his father's lunch to him at work, but on the way he had to take cover from a sudden downpour. He hid under a cabbage plant and was soon swallowed alive by a hungry cow. When his parents went out looking for him, they heard his voice coming from inside the cow's tummy. He'd soon fly out safe and sound as the cow passed gas.
It's cheesy and eaten all over the world! You'll learn how DOMINICK'S PIZZA became DOMINO'S PIZZA . And we all know how going to a circus wouldn't be complete without fluffy sweet COTTON CANDY! We'll explain how this feathery goodness spun to life! And all the spy action heroes use them, but where did the term gadget really come from?
If you ever go camping there is one thing you do not want to leave home without, the SWISS ARMY KNIFE! We'll explain how it evolved into the most famous knife in the world and how the company's name got "CUT" together! And where did the term CUP OF JOE come from as well as the word JAVA? And we all love a juicy HAMBURGER, so where did these chopped meat patties come from?
Audience: Students; Grades: K-3; Subject: Math. (2005) Dr. Rock explains the value of money and demonstrates the basic principles of counting money. He identifies the number of cents in a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar bill. Students learn how to combine coins to make a certain value and Dr. Rock illustrates the symbols associated with money, such as the dollar sign and decimal point.
(2019) Video by the Hawaii State Department of Education featuring teachers and staff who have made an impact on students. This video features the district and state Teacher of the Year 2019.
This program focuses on teachers who have made a difference in the lives of their students, the educators who make their chosen profession their passion.
Audience: General; Grades: K-12; Subject Areas: Science. The video briefly recounts the eruptive history of Halema'uma'u and describes the formation and continued growth of the current summit vent and lava lake. It features USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists sharing their insights on the summit eruption: how they monitor the lava lake, how and why the lake level rises and falls, why explosive events occur, the connection between Kilauea's ongoing summit and East Rift Zone eruptions, and the impacts of the summit eruption on the Island of Hawai'i and beyond.
The research in this program focuses on how the East and West view the world. Westerners tend to focus on objects in a scene independently of each other. Easterners view the whole and the interaction between objects. In each instance, different parts of the brain are activated and different conclusions drawn. This effects everyday life such as: Language- "More tea?" (West/object) versus "Drink more?" (East/interaction with object) Character- "He is mean" (West/individual) versus "He had a bad day"( East/effect of others)
Perspective of self and others is explored. The West is more ego-centric and individualistic, seeing from the observers point of view. The East tends to be retrospective, considering what others think. For example, in the West you would give lots of drink choices, allowing individual choice. In the East it is polite to consider the persons favorite drink and offer that. This perspective leads the West to value the self whereas the East places importance on the group.
Audience: Students; Grades: 9-12; Subject: Career/Life Skills. Career Day is designed to support efforts to increase student interest and performance in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The programs are designed to spark student interest in various STEM-related careers through virtual field trips into various days in the lives of our experts. Guests give on-the-job examples of equipment or methodology used in their careers and talk about the STEM fields of study involved. Students are also given information about the kinds of courses they would need to take in school if they were interested in pursuing careers in any of the fields. Alternative Energy The first program in the series looks at careers in alternative energy and green design.
Audience: Students; Grades: 4-12; Subject Areas: Sustainability, STEM. (2017) What's next in wearable health devices, new research in Parkinson's Disease, science in society, using microbes to generate electricity, a phone app for floods...and much more.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) Hidden in the back of Manoa Valley, the Lyon Arboretum is a historic site that serves as a botanical garden, an educational institution, and a research facility. The documentary tells the history of the arboretum and the vital role it played in preserving our watershed. The many present-day activities of the arboretum are also featured including its work in preserving and exhibiting Native Hawaiian and exotic plants, its role as an educational institution and its role as a research facility.
Audience: General; Subject: Social Studies.(2015) This documentary covers the activities of the Hawaiian Rare Plant Program at the Lyon Arboretum, a program that seeks to propagate and preserve the most endangered plant species in our islands. The documentary explores the program's three main components: a seed bank, a micro-propagation laboratory, and its greenhouse facilities. The processes of seed storage and micro-propagation are explained, and several rarely seen endangered plants are featured.
Have you ever wondered how we're going to grow food on the moon? Or Mars? Or just find ways to reduce food miles and food waste here at home? All while producing more food with less land, less water and closer to the communities where we live and work? High-tech greenhouses are looking like the answer. Just a few acres of greenhouse space can produce more food than an entire conventional farm, with a fraction of the water and other inputs. We visited Red Sun Farm's Dublin, VA showcase to take a look at where farming is heading next.
Grades: K-5; Subject Areas: Science. (2008) Nick begins by pulling carrots from a garden, then picks other vegetables from garden plots, These include potatoes, corn, pumpkins, cabbage, and cauliflower picked according to the season. He demonstrates how to plant vegetable seeds, lettuce seedlings, and others that end up in large vegetables. He shows how we use stem, leaves and roots in a variety of vegetables, and demonstrates how to grow vegetables in a vegetable box. He also stresses the need to watch for veggie pests and to use organic fertilizers to get rid of them.
This episode covers the five taste receptors which are sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour. "Why is sugar sweet?" is the wrong question. "Why does sugar taste sweet to us?" is the right question. Taste doesn't exist in things. It is something our brains create. It is a type of antenna that mankind has developed for survival. It is the ability to consume nutrients and avoid poison.
Fermentation is an advanced cooking method of using microorganisms' life activities to cook food, and it can synthesize new components and remove toxicity from food. But because it uses microorganisms, it is a unique cooking method that causes both aversion and preference.
Audience: Students; Grades: 6-12; Subject Areas: Science. (2014) Designing Life. Man has been doing it for over 10,000 years. You may not be aware of it, but we are surrounded by "Superlife," life-forms manipulated by Man. Superlife looks at the stories of how these super organisms came to permeate our planet, and how the latest science is pushing the boundaries to create more with less time and resources and at a higher quality. Note- Superlife explores the science of how mankind is manipulating life for its benefit. The series does not attempt to address the concerns surrounding cloning, genetically modified organisms or the ethics of certain farming practices.